General College Reports & Publications

Student Enrollment Trends
How many students are enrolled at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College?
Student Enrollment by Curriculum
How many students are enrolled at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College by curriculum?
Student Satisfaction at MGCCC
How does MGCCC student satisfaction compare to colleges nationally?
MGCCC Graduates & Conferred Awards
How many students graduate from MGCCC and how many degrees are awarded each academic year?
Awarded Student Financial Aid by Fiscal Year
How much financial aid is awarded to students each fiscal year?
 Fast Facts Flyer
Provides quick facts about the college

Mississippi Community College System Report Cards & Federal Reporting Tools

State Report Card & Data Sources
Federal Data Sources

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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Answer Center Hours

Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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