Shabaaz Hussain has been jailed for five years and three months after pleading guilty to raising money for terrorist groups in Somalia.

The 28-year-old, from Stepney, admitted seven counts of fundraising for the purpose of terrorism at a hearing in January, and was today sentenced to nine months imprisonment for each offence to run consecutively.

Shabaaz Hussain raised money for terrorists in Somalia (MPS)
Shabaaz Hussain raised money for terrorists in Somalia (MPS)
Shabaaz Hussain raised money for terrorists in Somalia (MPS)

Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command found evidence he made seven transfers worth a total of £9,114 to three British men – Muhammed Jahangir, Tufual Ahmed and Mohammed Shahim – living in Somalia during 2010.

Prosecutors said ‘The Somali Three’ were engaged in terrorist activity in east Africa.

Judge Mr Justice Calvert-Smith told Hussain: ‘These were, as you realised, substantial sums for people living, most likely, in basic conditions in countries like Somalia and Kenya.

‘You certainly realised, in my judgment, that some of it would be used either directly or indirectly to help to resource acts of terrorism.’

Police said Hussain’s flat was ‘practically dripping’ with extremist material, after a search found 26 speeches by extremist preacher Abu Hamza, jihadist manifestos and a video of Osama bin Laden criticising the US.

Four counts of engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism, which Hussain denied, are to remain on file.