Private school children in uniforms holding hands
Russell Group universities, like Oxford, lead to better health outcomes (Credits: Getty Images)

Children who went to private school or a Russell Group university have better health in midlife, according to a new study.

The research, by University College London (UCL), found that those who were privately educated were more likely to have a lower BMI and blood pressure and to perform better on a cognitive task by the age of 46 than those who went to state schools.

It also found that people who went to Russell Group universities – such as Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, University College London and Exeter – performed better on memory and attention tests.

Published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, it reported a 14% lower BMI in those who went to private school versus state school. Studying at a Russell Group university was linked to a 16% better memory recall.

‘Both private school and higher-status university attendance were related to favourable health outcomes,’ wrote the researchers.

They added that, if the status of schooling is the cause of better health, future policies that look at reducing health inequalities need to look not just at qualifications and achievements, but also education quality.

Retirement, fitness and walking with dog and couple in neighborhood park for relax, health and sports workout. Love, wellness and pet with old man and senior woman in outdoor morning walk together
Being educated at high-status schools and universities can lead to better health habits as you age (Credits: Getty Images)

Around 11.7 million people in the UK live in poverty, according to the latest stats. Meanwhile, private schools charge an average of £17,000 a year for day students and £40,000 for boarders, though there’s huge variety in costs.

And this disparity proves that there’s more to the health status of private school goers than just their education.

‘The contrast in the results in the study are concerning, but this is part of a larger problem the UK is facing,’ says Tina Woods, a social entrepreneur and the CEO of Business for Health, a business-led social venture supporting innovation and investment in preventative health and care.

How wealth improves health

According to the study, some reasons why private school and Russell Group educations may lead to better health outcomes include having more resources and facilities to support activity, improved job and financial prospects and being surrounded by people with different health behaviours and cultural norms.

‘Finally, higher-status institutions may have more cognitively stimulating environments through having smaller class sizes, more experienced teachers and high-achieving peers; this may benefit cognition in adolescence, across adulthood and ultimately health in midlife,’ they write.

But let’s not forget that, if you’ve attended private school, you likely grew up in a wealthier family – and money vastly improves health outcomes.

A 2020 study from the Journal of Gerontology, looking at data from over 10,000 people, found that being wealthy adds nine years to your healthy life expectancy, preventing disease and disability.

‘Health inequalities are linked to broader social determinants of health, including income levels, poverty, access to high-quality nutrition, jobs and housing, as well as levels of physical activity that vary across the regions,’ says Woods.

According to research from last year by The Food Foundation, the most deprived fifth of the population would need to spend at least 50% of their income to eat according to the Eatwell guidelines – an increase of 43% from 2022.

Meanwhile, the least deprived fifth would only spend 11% of their income. With the current average rental cost in the UK being around 30% of income, there simply isn’t enough money to spend on health-promoting foods and actives, says Woods.

‘Given the cost-of-living crisis and the rising prices of necessities including food and shelter, those living in more income-deprived areas are likely to suffer and in turn, their life expectancy and healthy life expectancy will suffer,’ she says.

Mature woman checking her energy bills on table
The cost of living crisis means people can’t afford healthy food and activities (Credits: Getty Images)

She points to areas like Glasgow, which not only has the lowest life expectancy in the UK but also has in-city disparity. For instance, in Calton, one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow, male life expectancy is 54. In a more affluent area, such as Lenzie, life expectancy is 82, according to The Health Foundation.

‘It’s likely that many in deprived areas cannot afford to make healthy choices, suffer from vitamin deficiencies and are also impacted by unhealthy environments, such as those where dependency on fast food, smoking and alcohol is more prevalent,’ says Woods.

Accessing healthcare

The situation only worsens for those who develop illnesses. Research by the King’s Fund has shown that people in poorer areas are twice as likely to wait more than a year for NHS treatment compared to those living in the least deprived areas.

That’s likely because they have more access to healthcare and can also afford to go private for emergencies or to beat long waits.

The research also found that 42% of adults who had experienced a delay in their treatment saying it impacted their ability to work, meaning the knock-on impact on income can result in even worse inequalities.

The latest study on education’s role in inequality is also concerning given the pipeline from private school to Russell Group universities. Around 6% of children attend private or independent schools in the UK, yet 30% of Oxbridge students are from private schools, according to 2022 data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

It means that the privileged continue to benefit, while those without access to high-status education suffer more.

‘Without measures in place to tackle regional health inequalities, including preventative measures such access to education around nutrition and discounted schemes from employers, we face a continued downward spiral for the health outcomes of those living in lower-income areas,’ warns Woods.

‘There’s a big onus here for the government to work with all stakeholders involved in improving health outcomes in local areas to tackle health and wealth inequalities.

‘This means looking at ways to drive down rates of smoking, introducing measures to address obesity, improving access to preventative health and care services and measures to improve housing quality.’

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