Hayley posing in a photo with her son, with a castle behind them - both are smiling
Hayley with her son Callum (Picture: Hayley Ann)

If I ever forgot to give my 13-year-old son, Callum, melatonin (a hormone that can aid sleep) when he went to bed at 7:30pm, he’d be awake for most of the night.

Without melatonin, it could be 2:00am before he fell asleep. 

His ADHD meant he’d get so overtired that he’d get hyper.

Callum has Tourette’s, sensory processing disorder (which means that his brain struggles to process sensory information) developmental language disorder (he has trouble with understanding and using language), ADHD, autistic spectrum disorder and anxiety – and he has dyslexia and hypermobility, too.

He’s a lovely boy. He’s quick, and cheeky, and funny, with a fantastic sense of humour.

He also loves football – it’s his passion. But he used to struggle with it.

His Tourette’s meant he used to have a lot of tics on the pitch. He’d do double steps, like a little dance, because he couldn’t stand still.

It’s not just football and sleep, though – Callum’s conditions impact every area of his life.

His ADHD and his sensory processing disorder (SPD) means he gets very overstimulated.

Hayley with Callum on her lap as a baby, sitting at a table, Hayley is wearing a light blue strapless dress
Hayley with her son Callum as a baby (Picture: Hayley Ann)
A close up of Callum outside, looking to camera
Callum gets overstimulated and might have a meltdown (Picture: Hayley Ann)

It could be any difference in routine – a new teacher or pupil at school, changes to heat or light, or a loud, busy place – but when Callum’s overwhelmed, he just can’t cope. His body goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode and he gets hyper, silly, and noisy.

When he was younger, and one of my friends or family members would pop over, he’d repeatedly run full throttle at the sofa and use the back of it to bounce his body back off again.

If I take him in a supermarket, I have to be very careful about how long we’re there. When Callum gets too overstimulated, he might run – when he was three or four, I was forever chasing him down roads – or he might floor it, which means he falls to the floor and has a huge meltdown.

These meltdowns happened more when he was little – though they can happen now, if he gets too overwhelmed – and they could go on for hours.

He’d scream, cry, kick me, hit me, pinch me, try to bite me, and sometimes, I’d have to fireman-carry him home, with him kicking and screaming over my shoulder.

Essentially, Callum’s got a glass that’s very full, and if you keep adding to it by putting him in environments he can’t cope with or disrupting his routine, the glass is going to be constantly overflowing.

A selfie of Hayley and Callum wearing beanies and coats, in front of fairy lights outside
Hayley with Callum (Picture: Hayley Ann)

Callum takes ADHD medication and it does make him much calmer. Without it, things can be really difficult.

In November last year we went to the chemist’s to pick up more medication. Callum was running around touching everything, pulling labels off, moving things around, doing snow angels on the floor. Someone said to me, ‘Has your son got ADHD?’. I said, ‘Yeah, just a little bit…!’.

The chemist said it would be a half hour wait. I’d hunted high and low for this medication, due to the shortage and it had only just come back into stock. So, of course, I said, ‘That’s fine’.

Callum said: ‘If they said you had to wait an hour for this medication, would you?’.

I said: ‘Yep!’.

He replied: ‘If they said you had to wait two hours, would you?’.

‘Yep!’ – because I was desperate for that medication.

As Callum’s got older, he’s started to become more aware of his conditions – mainly his Tourette’s.

Callum on the sofa with a cat on his lap, smiling
Callum doesn’t like restaurants (Picture: Hayley Ann)
Callum sitting in an armchair, with a device attached to his ears, smiling - a cat is on the right of the photo
The Alpha-Stim device is connected to two electrodes, which are clipped to the earlobes (Picture: Hayley Ann)

His tics would manifest as head knocks, where his head would jerk and twitch to the side, and he’d repeat words – his own, or other people’s.

He hates people staring at him. He doesn’t like restaurants, for example, because sometimes the Tourette’s would make his whole body jump, and he’d bang the table, and people would stare.

He’s now started holding his tics in – and they’re much worse when he finally lets go. They’re constantly one after another – it’s almost like a stutter when he talks.

Last October when I was telling Callum’s occupational therapist from Starjumpz that his ADHD medication had run out, she told me about the Alpha-Stim device and how it could help with regulation of his nervous system. She said Callum and I could join a trial with her as lead therapist at the Crowborough-based centre.

Given the nationwide ADHD medication shortage, I was willing to try anything that might help.

The Alpha-Stim device is connected to two electrodes, which are clipped to the earlobes – and the device sends a gentle electrical stimulation through the ear lobes into the brain stem that balances the electrical energy of the brain and central nervous system. This induces a calming effect on anxiety or, in Callum’s case, ADHD, which was why we originally tried it.

It’s been transformational.

Hayley and Callum are standing in front of a prop ship called 'Lacey Ann' on a sunny day
Hayley with her son Callum (Picture: Hayley Ann)
Callum at a skatepark, wearing a helmet and on an e-scooter
It’s been transformational for Callum (Picture: Hayley Ann)

Before, Callum wasn’t focusing at school, he was getting pulled out of class for annoying the other children and now that’s all changed. His SPD is better; he’s doing really well in school; his body’s just so much calmer.

We knew the device could help with sleep and anxiety but had no idea it could help with his Tourette’s, too. Now, he’s asleep by 10 and his tics have almost completely stopped – which makes sense, because the worse his anxiety is, the worse his tics are and the device eases anxiety.

Ideally, he’ll use the Alpha-Stim first thing in the morning; on the way to school; on the way home from school; around 6:00pm; and again around 7:30pm – for around 40 minutes each time.

It really depends what mood he’s in, though. It can be hard to encourage him to use it, especially in the morning, because he’s got no medication in his system then.

Some mornings, I have to chase him round the house with the device – and it could be thrown at me.

But I’ll happily try to get Callum to use it every day, even with these challenges.

He can learn now; he can sleep now; and I really like what it’s done with his Tourette’s because that’s something he would have become even more conscious of as he continued getting older.

I suspect the Alpha-Stim is something he’ll want to use forever.

He’s still taking ADHD medication and melatonin – he definitely needs both – and he still uses ear defenders to help him in certain places, which help reduce external noise. But the combination of his medication and the Alpha-Stim has taken some water out of Callum’s glass.

And I just hope the device becomes widely available to other children whose glasses overflow.

As told to Izzie Price

Find out more about Alpha-Stim here

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