Danny sitting at a restaurant, with a menu open, smiling to camera
Danny Berry was diagnosed with blood cancer at 23 (Picture: Danny Berry)

I vividly remember going into hospital for my first cancer treatment.  

As I walked the mile between the hospital car park and the oncology ward, I felt completely alone, like I was the only person going through this. 

Yet, when I reached the specialist cancer ward, half a dozen young people were sitting in the waiting room, people in their 20s or younger like me.  

In a way, it was reassuring to realise I wasn’t the only one.  

But, after a three-hour wait, as I lay under the lights of the radiotherapy machine, I wondered, again, how I was ever going to get through this.  

At 23, I had been diagnosed with a form of blood cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I’d been getting night sweats for a couple of months and they had been gradually getting worse, then I’d found a lump on my body. 

I went to see my GP and was referred for a biopsy, where they take a tissue sample for testing. Even this part of the experience turned out to be very stressful.

I had a three-month delay due to a cancelled appointment. Then the hospital lost my paperwork. When it finally arrived, I discovered that I had stage two cancer.  

Danny at mini golf, holding a golf stick and standing in front of a plastic dinosaur
I got what is known as statutory sick pay from my employer, paid at just £109.40 a week (Picture: Danny Berry)

They called me in to see the doctor with my then-partner. Before I even got to the room, I could see the assistant bringing me in to see the doctor was carrying cancer paperwork, so I knew then. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I was told I was going to need five weeks of radiotherapy treatment, and that there were few specialist cancer treatment centres for young people. I’d have to travel at least 40 miles each way to the hospital, every day of the week.  

At the time I was working for a big supermarket chain. I’d been there six years, ever since leaving school, and had gone through the pandemic with them. I’d never had much time off before. I never even thought about sick pay

Yet when I explained my situation to my manager, they said I had just two weeks off on full pay. After that, I’d get what is known as statutory sick pay from my employer, paid at just £109.40 a week. I could hardly believe it.  

How can anyone live on that amount? 

I was lucky to be renting with my partner, so we were sharing bills. But when I looked at my essential outgoings – gas, electricity, food – it was obvious I wouldn’t be able to stay afloat financially on such a small sum.

Danny at hospital wearing a face mask
Even by the end of it, I still felt stunned (Picture: Danny Berry)

The costs mounted as I commuted to hospital, the petrol and hospital car parking charges adding up quickly. My salary plummeted to a quarter of my pay packet, a shortfall of £1,000 a month. 

In the end, I needed several months off sick, 28 rounds of radiotherapy and I’d spent £600 in travel expenses alone.  

Even by the end of it, I still felt stunned. I couldn’t believe I could work all those years, then get so little financial help from my employer.  

If I hadn’t had support from generous family members to fall back on, I wouldn’t have made it through, financially.  

My now-husband was such an important source of support and reassurance. Charities like Young Lives vs Cancer were also brilliant. They helped me know what extra support was there and get access to one of their specialist social workers.  

In the end, the stress from treatment, personal finances and my health worries left me in a bad place with my mental health. I’d had some issues with anxiety and depression before but things got much worse.  

What are the symptoms of blood cancer?

Symptoms will vary depending on the type of blood cancer – those include: leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS and MPN.

However, according to bloodcancer.org, the below can be common with most types:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising
  • Swelling and lumps
  • Night sweats
  • Recurrent infections
  • Bone, joint and abdomen pain
  • Itchy skin and rashes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Paleness
  • Tiredness

Going into hospital made me anxious and I felt very low. I was exhausted from the radiotherapy and, even though I was so fortunate with my parents, my sister and my partner rallying around me, I was stressed at having to rely so much on family. 

Money worries on top of the side effects from treatment were the last thing I needed. They certainly didn’t help my recovery.   

On top of that, I got little support from work. My manager didn’t even check in on how I was doing.  

I ended up leaving my job at the end of my treatment and was out of work for well over a year in the end.

To add insult to injury, when I phoned up the job centre to ask for help, I was told I was ineligible to claim Universal Credit because I’d ‘chosen’ to leave my job.

Because I hadn’t been sacked, they saw it as me leaving voluntarily. The official said it would be months before I’d even be eligible for Universal Credit.   

A mirror selfie of Danny in a hospital gown
I had to rely on family and friends (Picture: Danny Berry)

I was told I’d be certain to get another benefit, called a Personal Independence Payment, from the Department for Work and Pensions which is supposed to support people with long-term illnesses. 

But when I applied, I was denied it. It was only 18 months later, after two appeals and going to an independent tribunal, that I was told they had got it wrong and I was approved.   

I felt like wherever I turned, either to my work or to the Government, there simply wasn’t support. All that time, I’d had to rely on family and friends.

The whole experience, from the lack of sick pay to benefit delays, made an already terrifying situation even worse.

If I’d been better supported with sick pay that would have allowed me to recover safely and securely, the story might have been very different. Instead of a long period out of work, I could have had a happy, productive return to my old job. 

Thankfully, things have really improved for me personally. 

Danny in a photo with a friend - both wearing black tops - Danny is wearing his hood up
Danny (R) with friend (L) (Picture: Danny Berry)

Last year, I was told I was officially in remission. Having left my old job, I’ve now retrained as an accountant. 

But I’m still angry about how I, and so many others, are being treated. 

Here in the UK, 10million working people, one-third of employees, only get the legal minimum ‘statutory sick pay’ of £109 a week. The first three days of illness aren’t paid at all. Then, there are more part-time and self-employed people who are not eligible for sick pay at all. 

Most other countries around the world, including Norway, Iceland and Denmark, have far better systems than we do.   

Now I’m feeling better, I don’t want anyone to experience the horrible situation I did. That’s why I’m joining other workers involved in the Safe Sick Pay campaign.   

Right now, pressure is mounting for change. There is an inquiry going on in Parliament and MPs are asking the Government, why is the UK falling so far behind in offering help to hard working people who fall ill. 

Why, at a time when they need help the most, do we turn our backs on them?

If you’d had a similar experience, the Safe Sick Pay campaign would like to hear from you. You can join the call for sick pay to be extended to all workers from day one. No one should suffer in silence.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing [email protected]

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