Commercial airliner cabin.
Just remember, it’s not very common (Picture: Getty)

It’s only natural to be a little scared of flying – what with you being contained in a tiny vessel thousands of feet up in the air and all.

We can freak ourselves a little at the thought – especially when there’s turbulence – but almost always everything is perfectly fine.

So how can we tell when things aren’t OK?  

A former flight attendant has shared a few signs that something might actually be wrong – from crew behaviour to technical noises – that might result in an emergency landing.

But before we go any further, it’s worth pointing out that commercial aviation was safer in 2023 than in any previous year – with figures showing two fatal accidents occurring during the 12 months, compared with six in 2022.

And as a comparison, 148 people die in the average hour on the world’s roads according to the latest UN figures.

But for those still intrigued by plane and crew warning signs, ex flight attendant 43-year-old Lisa Hughes, in collaboration with My Voyage Scotland, shared a few insights with Metro…

What are the warning signs that something is going wrong with the crew/the plane?

Air hostess serving food and drinks onboard
Listen for tone and quantity of announcements (Picture: Getty)

Crew behavior

Increased activity from the crew, including frequent communication with the cockpit, can indicate an issue,’ Lisa tells Metro.

This includes changes in tone or urgency in announcements from the cockpit or cabin crew. So, listen out for whether instructions are becoming more direct and frequent – as this could be a warning sign.

She adds: ‘The crew may also prepare emergency equipment or brief certain passengers (like able-bodied individuals) to assist in a potential evacuation.’

Physical signs

Lisa says your senses can give you a good idea whether something isn’t quite right.

‘Unusual noises, vibrations, or changes in the flight pattern (such as sudden altitude changes) can indicate mechanical issues,’ she adds.

‘Changes in cabin lighting, deployment of oxygen masks, or the initiation of emergency protocols are clear signs of trouble.’

What are the signs that a plane has to make an emergency landing? 

Fire truck of airport rescue and fire brigade behind airplane
A few things can result in an emergency landing (Picture: Getty)

It’s worth pointing out that emergency landings are rare – at just 0.06%. Nevertheless, Lisa shares four times a plane may need to make one…

Technical issues like unusual noises, loss of cabin pressure (oxygen masks dropping), or engine problems can indicate mechanical failures.

Likewise, medical emergencies and severe health issues onboard may require an emergency landing.

Security threats (that’s any form of threat, including bomb threats or unruly behavior that poses a risk to the flight’s safety) also may lead to an emergency landing.

But also severe weather conditions especially the unexpected – can force a plane to divert and land elsewhere.

What happens during an emergency landing?

According to Lisa, during an emergency landing, the crew follows a strict protocol to ensure passenger safety. This includes:

Informing passengers: The captain or lead flight attendant will inform passengers about the situation, providing clear instructions on what to expect and how to prepare.

Preparation for landing: Passengers are instructed to assume brace positions if necessary, secure loose items, and fasten seat belts.

Cabin securing: The crew ensures the cabin is secured, with all carry-on items stowed, tray tables and seats in their upright positions, and all electronic devices turned off.

Evacuation if needed: Upon landing, if an evacuation is warranted, the crew will direct passengers to exit the aircraft using slides or other means as quickly and safely as possible.

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