Nurse holding a patient's hand
The majority wait months for cancer treatment to start (Picture: Getty Images/Image Source)

The news that King Charles has cancer has rocked the UK this week – but it’s not just the diagnosis itself that’s shocked the nation.

With a royal representative announcing that King Charles has already began ‘a schedule of regular treatments’, many have pointed out that this simply isn’t an option for the majority of those diagnosed with cancer in the UK – with most waiting months for treatment to start.

In fact, last year it was reported that cancer test and treatment delays have put ‘100,000 lives at risk’ since 2014.

As a result, news of the King’s cancer diagnosis – and his subsequent treatment within a fortnight – has ignited a wave of debate around privilege and access to healthcare.

With NHS waiting lists growing by the day – coupled with a backlog of 35,000 referrals, frequent doctors strikes, and a general lack of staff – cancer patients face worsening treatment delays.

Natalie Morris on X (formerly Twitter) wrote: ‘I really do wish that everyone diagnosed with cancer was able to start treatment right away with no delays.’

While Richard Ryan added: ‘This is the massive divide in this country, my mum is having cancer treatment and has had multiple delays in which I think it will no doubt shorten her life and others in the same boat.’

King Charles leaving the London Clinic after receiving treatment for an enlarged prostate
King Charles pictured leaving the London Clinic in late January 2024, days before his cancer diagnosis was shared (Picture: REUTERS)

Unlike King Charles, Warwick Smith experienced a seven-month wait from seeing a GP in March 2022 to starting his cancer treatment – a delay that he says resulted in a stage 4 throat cancer diagnosis, a full laryngectomy, as well as radio and chemotherapy.

He was was especially concerned as his brother died from throat cancer two years ago – just three weeks after his diagnosis.

Warwick, from Littleborough in Greater Manchester, tells ‘The GP suspected acute laryngitis and said he would refer me to a specialist at hospital.

‘A few weeks passed and I was getting really concerned so rang the appointments department and they said I was on the waiting list and I should revisit my GP and ask to expedite my case as urgent.

‘I did this, but the GP I saw said they couldn’t do that as I wasn’t an urgent case.’

Warwick Smith
‘It’s appalling the general public have to ensure horrendous delays and lengthening waiting lists’ (Picture: Warwick Smith)

Warwick then got a letter to say an appointment had been cancelled – and after multiple pleas and refusals, he eventually got an appointment after a last-minute cancellation.

But this was just the beginning of the story for Warwick.

The 66-year-old explains: ‘The specialist said there was something suspicious and referred me for a biopsy and also said my doctor should have put me on the two-week cancer fast track.

‘He nearly fell off his chair when I told him I asked the GP twice to fast track me and was refused.

‘Then I had results of biopsy which was stage 4 cancer and was told without life-changing surgery I had six months to live.

‘I had a full laryngectomy in December 2022 followed by six weeks of daily radiotherapy resulting in terrible radiation burns and had a weekly course of chemo at the same time.

‘Currently I am cancer-free but obviously feel that without the nine-month delay between first GP appointment and first treatment I might have avoided the horrors that I have endured.

‘I wish the King all the best but, given I have contributed national insurance for 50 years, I feel I should have been treated quicker. It’s appalling the general public have to endure horrendous delays and lengthening waiting lists brought on by the government.’

Warwick’s story shows it’s not just treatment itself, the current NHS crisis means people are waiting even longer to even get an initial cancer diagnosis.

Hazel Dearn, from Staffordshire, was tested for suspected kidney cancer in April 2023 after experiencing severe pain in her side, but due to a number of cancelled appointments and shortage of specialists, didn’t get a firm diagnosis until mid-August.

Hazel Dearn
Hazel said the delay to my appointments and diagnosis made her feel even more scared (Picture: Supplied)

The 65-year-old said: ‘I was fast tracked for suspected kidney cancer in late April 2023 after an ultrasound picked up an abnormal tumour. I was called into hospital in May and had a CT scan – then in early June I was sent for a lung scan.

‘At this point, I knew it was cancer but hadn’t been given a formal diagnosis, which was why the lung scan was required – to see if it had spread and confirm my exact prognosis.

‘It wasn’t until August that my kidney cancer diagnosis was confirmed by a doctor – but due to a growing list of patients and shortage of kidney cancer specialists, I was referred to another hospital, and had to start all over again.

‘In September, I had my first appointment at the new hospital. Within a week I had further scans – because the May scans were so out of date by this point.

‘The delay to my appointments and diagnosis made me feel even more scared, thinking about whether it would spread. I didn’t talk much to family about it as they were as worried about it just as much as I was. I went off sick from work as I was physically exhausted.’

Hazel found comfort during this extremely difficult time by turning to Kidney Cancer UK – and following surgery in November 2023, she’s now in remission and is being monitored over the next five years.

But sadly this isn’t the case for everyone. 

Due to delays, a lack of funding and NHS shortages, it’s too late for some cancer patients, and their families, with many now going through end-of-life care.

This is the difficult reality for Kim, whose step-mum is currently receiving palliative care for her aggressive stage 4 bowel cancer – after receiving a diagnosis in October 2023.

Kim, 56, wonders if there hadn’t been 12 weeks of delays following her step-mum’s cancer diagnosis, things may look very different right now.

She tells Metro: ‘Delays in getting the biopsy didn’t help, although she has a very aggressive cancer so chemotherapy may not have worked. However, the lack of coordination between two departments, poor pain management and repeated inpatient stays with little progress exacerbated the trauma.

‘It took my mum sending a very pointed email to the cancer nurse specialist to get action.

‘My step-mum’s cancer is hard to detect but she was told there was 3 or 4 chances over the last year that doctors could have caught it. It may have extended her life by months.

‘I think the huge delays in diagnosis is also in part due to so many labs being closed, it’s become a perfect storm: stretched services and – as in my step mum’s case – the 12-week delay from diagnosis.

‘Our family is just one but must be one of many thousands.’

Speaking about this current crisis, Gemma Peters, Macmillan’s chief executive, previously said: ‘Cancer care is in crisis after years of governments failing to act.

‘Every single person who has faced a worse outcome from their cancer diagnosis because of delays will know the devastating impact that waiting has had on their lives, from the burden of anxiety that their cancer is growing and for many the devastating news that their cancer is now incurable.’

If you, or anyone you know is going through cancer, you can get support via Macmillan.

Do you have a story to share?

Get in touch by emailing [email protected].

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