allergic tree
Being allergic to your Christmas tree is more common than you think (Picture: Getty/

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, how allergenic are thy branches…

The idea of being allergic to Christmas might all sound a Dickensian, but for some people, that’s actually the case — and it’s all your freshly-tinselled pine tree’s fault.

Since we’re definitely in the midst of cold and flu season, it’s easy to overlook potential signs of allergies as viruses.

But if your symptoms feel more transient in their intensity, then you might be allergic to your Christmas tree.

What causes a Christmas tree allergy?

close up of Christmas tree
The annual favourite might be making you sick (Picture: Getty Images)

There’s more than one way to get sick from a Christmas tree, so it’s important to stay vigilant if you’re opting for a real one this year.

A leading cause, unfortunately, is mold and pollen — the moisture of Christmas trees make them an ideal habitat for spores, meaning that if you have a pre-existing allergy to mold, there’s a chance your symptoms can flare up.

If you have a pre-existing lung condition like asthma, you’re also more vulnerable to irritants spread by the tree like pesticides, dust mites, pine terpines, and insect droppings.

Signs you're allergic to your Christmas tree:

  • Dark circles under your eyes
  • A runny nose
  • Itchiness
  • A skin rash
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Streaming eyes
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing

Signs you’re allergic to your Christmas tree

If you can’t face the idea of spending Christmas without the traditional pine tree, you should shake your tree out and hose it down before bringing it into the home. This should clear the majority of allergens and irritants.

You could also spray the tree with a bleach solution to kill mold spores, and regularly wipe down ornaments to prevent a build-up of dust.

But ultimately, prevention is better than cure. If you’re extra sensitive to respiratory infections and have a lot of allergies, you might want to cut your losses and just get a fake tree.

Do you have a story to share?

Get in touch by emailing [email protected].

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