plan on heatwave background
Are you jet-setting off this week? (Picture: Getty)

While the weather is looking pretty unenthusiastic over here, things are heating up in Europe.

In fact, the Cerberus heatwave is in full swing as much of Europe bakes in extreme heat, with Italy issuing new hot weather red alerts for 16 cities.

The likes of Spain, Greece, Portugal and France are also bracing themselves for balmy conditions and record temperatures, as a second heat storm hits from north Africa.

If you have a European holiday planned for this week you might be slightly concerned about these scorching conditions.

To put your mind at ease, travel experts have shared a few top tips of how to cope in such sweltering temperatures and still enjoy your trip.

From taking a siesta to limiting alcoholic drinks, here are a few things to try…

Stay inside during the afternoon

While it might sound counter-productive to stay inside during a holiday, Huw Owen, co-founder at TravelLocal, says it’s the best way to avoid peak temperatures. 

He says: ‘In terms of taking precautions against the heat, it’s best to do as many Europeans do and recalibrate the day. From 12-7pm is for the mad dogs – that’s when you should get some rest and shade. 

‘The early morning or the evening, through to the early hours, is when the days are at their coolest, so it’s best to save any walking around for these times if you can, to avoid the heat. It means a shorter night’s sleep, but you top it up in the middle of the day (as the Spanish do, build a “siesta” into your day). It’s a great way to have more energy to experience the nightlife, and is good for your health too.’

Stay hydrated and minimise alcohol consumption

Young man drinking water in the city
Drink up (Picture: Getty Images/Westend61)

Of course an afternoon Aperol Spritz in the sunshine or a cold beer by the pool is a rite of passage on holiday – but when it’s boiling outside, it’s important to stay hydrated. 

Hue adds: ‘Alcohol instantly dehydrates you, which can then result in sunstroke if you don’t replenish your body with water.

‘It’s vital that you stay hydrated when the sun is so strong, and make a conscious effort to drink even more water than usual. About three litres a day will keep you hydrated. Cities including Rome and Milan also have plenty of free waterpoints dotted around, so you don’t have to keep buying bottles of water.’

Embrace indoor activities

There’s a tendency to feel as though you have to be outside when you’re on holiday. But, during a heatwave, it’s important to spend a few hours of the day indoors or, failing that, in the shade.

If you’re keen to sunbathe, do this in the early morning or late afternoon. 

Hue explains: ‘On a city break, use the heat as an opportunity to immerse yourself in cultural activities such as exploring museums and art galleries, and taking long lunches/coffee breaks in the shade. In Seville for example, the Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art is a brilliant place to spend a few hours, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts. 

‘Madrid is home to some of Europe’s best art galleries, including the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, where you can see some of Picasso’s most famous works. In Athens, the Acropolis Museum is considered one of the most important museums in the world, displaying findings of one archaeological site, the Acropolis. It’s also been awarded many times for its beautiful architecture and natural lighting inside.’

Enjoy the nightlife

A blistering heatwave means routines may need to be adapted, with plans shifting from day to nighttime.

But, thankfully, most Europeans are already familiar with this way of life anyway. 

Hue says: ‘Living like a true European means using the intense heat to your advantage and getting a few hours’ kip in the afternoon, leaving you feeling more energised to embrace a city’s nightlife in the evening. 

‘This is why many bars and restaurants don’t come to life until at 9/10pm in countries like Spain, as it is only just a bearable temperature to walk around by this hour. Drinking in the evenings also leaves you less susceptible to sunstroke – so drink water during the day, and beer or wine at night.’

Eat foods that will keep you hydrated

Beautiful, attractive woman enjoying in the pool, holding a watermelon
Load up on watermelon (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Watermelon and cucumber are both great examples of foods that are high in water content – so load up on these on holiday. 

Hue adds: ‘There’s a good reason why Mediterranean dishes are typically very “light” and are often vegetable or salad based. 

‘For example the Caprese or Greek Salads both contain plenty of fresh, local vegetables, which have a high water content, so will in turn keep you hydrated. Eating smaller dishes, more often, will keep you energised throughout the day too.’

Seek shade

It might sound obvious but ensure you holiday itinerary features lots of shady spots to take a break and cool down, suggest the travel experts at SchengenVisaInfo.

Parks, gardens, and cafes with outdoor seating are all great spots that can provide that coolness and freshness you need to carry on.

Be aware of heat-related conditions

Familiarise yourself with the symptoms of heat stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion.

If you experience symptoms like dizziness, rapid heartbeat, nausea, or confusion, find a cool place, abstain from drinks with caffeine and alcohol, and seek medical attention if needed.

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