Afghanistan’s tumultuous history has hurt the nation’s women the hardest.

Already suffering from the fallout of war and poverty, women’s rights took a further hit when the Taliban took power in 2021 and women were banned from going to school, having jobs and even accessing basic healthcare.

The nation was named the most dangerous country to be female, by a 2011 poll by the Thomson-Reuters Foundation and today, women are still routinely discriminated against, abused and persecuted. They are banned from universities and charity jobs. Violence is common.

Pregnancy is hugely dangerous in Afghanistan. But a new trainee midwife programme that has been spearheaded by the U.N. Refugee Agency with a local NGO could change that.

The programme sees young women train for two years in the provincial capital hospital, after which they will return home to help the women in the community.

One 21-year-old trainee says: ‘Our society is facing many problems in terms of healthcare. Even with the new generation of technology, we are still witnessing mothers and children dying.

‘This situation motivated me to study the midwifery course in order to serve my people.’

A girl plays outside her house in Foladi Valley, Bamiyan. In this small village circled by snow-topped mountains, women are particularly vulnerable as obstetric healthcare is so difficult to access. War, poverty, illiteracy and lack of infrastructure means Afghanistan has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A woman dresses her child at hospital. In 2018, four in ten Afghan children died before their first birthday, but it is hoped the midwifery training programme will help reverse this heartbreaking trend.(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A mother holds her child, while women line up outside of a doctor’s room. When foreign troops began withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Taliban’s rise to power led to a freeze on the foreign aid which paid for much of the nation’s healthcare system, leaving women without access to life-saving supplies and medicines for reproductive health. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
Children walk beside a donkey carrying goods. ‘When the roads are blocked, there are no means of transportation, people even use donkeys to move the patients to the clinic centres, but sometimes there is not even the opportunity for that,’ says Mohammad Ashraf Niazi, head of UNHCR’s Bamiyan office(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
Aziza Rahimi, 35, who lost her son at birth, poses for a photo inside her house in Foladi Valley in Bamiyan. She stumbled while bleeding for two hours to her in-laws’ house after her husband was unable to find a car or ambulance to take them to hospital. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
Aziza gave birth but her baby died in her arms. Soon afterwards, an ambulance arrived. She remembers: ‘As a mother I nurtured the baby in my womb for nine months but then I lost him. It is too painful.’(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A woman sits on a hospital bed. Afghanistan has one of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), with 638 women dying per 100,000 live births. REUTERS/Ali Khara (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A vehicle drives along a road in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Rural areas such as this leave women vulnerable as they are unable to get to hospitals or health workers. Many are unable to run ambulance services due to a lack of money for fuel. Pregnant women are told to get taxis, which aren’t always available. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
The notebook of a trainee midwife lies on a table during a class. A trainee midwife program has been spearheaded by the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) with a local NGO, where young women train for two years in the provincial capital hospital as midwives and then return to work in communities. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A teacher gives a lecture to trainee midwives. With many girls forbidden from attending school, Afghanistan is the only nation in the world to effectively bar half of its childhood population from education. This training will not only provide healthcare, but will enable young women to pursue education and careers from which they are otherwise barred.(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
Trainee midwives attend a class. Around 40 young women from Bamiyan have been sent to train for two years, after which they will return home and provide vital support to the villagers. Many of the trainees have faced logistical and financial challenges, often having to travel huge distances or live far from home, to attend the programme.(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
People sit in a waiting room at a Bamiyan hospital. In Afghanistan, there are 4.6 doctors, nurses and midwives per 10,000 people – nearly five times below what it considers the ‘threshold for critical shortage’, according to the World Health Organisation (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A trainee midwife examines a woman and her newborn baby at a hospital in Bamiyan. Afghanistan remains one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a baby, a child or a mother, and access to a hospital or health facility is beyond the reach of most, according to Unicef.(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A trainee midwife arranges her headscarf in front of a mirror. Trainees like this one will fulfil a lifesaving role, with many of them making huge sacrifices to do so. One 23-year-old trainee on the programme walks two hours each day to the hospital. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
Sakineh, who lost a grandchild at birth, sits with her grandchildren inside her house. An Afghan woman dies every two hours during pregnancy or childbirth – the highest maternal mortality rate in Asia – according to the United Nations. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A young woman carries her belongings along a dirt road. On 7 May 2022, the Ministry of Vice and Virtue, issued a decree requiring women to cover themselves from head to toe. Women in Afghanistan are being sentenced to ‘death in slow motion’, says to Amnesty International. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A woman begs on the side of a road on the outskirts of Bamiyan. More than half of Afghanistan’s population live below the poverty line, according to the World Bank. Every month, 24,000 women Afghan women give birth in rural areas without access to healthcare. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
People sit beside their tents in front of the ruins of a 1,500-year-old Buddha statue, which was blown up by the Taliban in 2001. 3.5 million people have been internally displaced by conflict in Afghanistan. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A trainee midwife examines a woman in hospital. Another trainee midwife takes the blood pressure of a pregnant patient suffering from an infection, and checks regularly on a woman who gave birth six hours earlier, her baby daughter nestled by her side.(Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)
A trainee midwife examines a woman at a hospital in Bamiyan. In 2003 there were just 467 midwives operating in Afghanistan due to the Taliban’s ban on female education. Numbers are now growing all the time, and this programme will provide lifesaving support to women across the nation. (Picture: ALI KHARA/REUTERS)


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