Pictures of a grandmother, 37, with her grandkids now, and her children when they were babies
At 37, Kelly is often confused for her 21-year-old daughters (Picture: Caters)

Kelly Jackson, 37, says she’s constantly mistaken for her grandchildren’s mother.

People often think she’s the same age as her 21-year-old twin daughters, with some even asking her for Botox recommendations.

Kelly, who’s mum to five children in total, explained: ‘I fell pregnant with my twin daughters at 14 and had them when I was 15, so we are close in age as it is, but we are best friends.

‘I have five children altogether – Jade and Jasmine are 21, and then I have three boys – Harry, 14, Jasper, eight and Zachary, five.

‘Jade has a daughter who is four and a son who is three, and Jasmine has a son who is two and a daughter who is three months old.’

As Kelly’s son was at nursery with her grandson, she would do the school drop-off and pick up routine. This is where the confusion stemmed from among fellow school run parents.

She said: ‘I am constantly being confused as my grandchildren’s mum, or people think I am my daughter’s friend or sister.

‘I have also been asked where I get my Botox done as I don’t look like a grandma, but I have never had any work done!’

‘They have always been so proud to call me their mum’ (Picture: Caters News)

It’s not a new thing for the family. Kelly has always been mistaken as younger than her years.

The youthful gran said: ‘When my daughters were in secondary school their friends would always say “oh my god, I can’t believe that is your mum”.

‘It was nice but also at the same time, it feels as if you’re in a fishbowl and everyone is looking at you which did give me a bit of anxiety.

‘I do like my clothes and dressing well, and I take care of my appearance and I find it fun dressing up. It did attract attention, which I don’t think my girls appreciated, but they have always been so proud to call me their mum.

‘We’re so close, we have such a close relationship and it’s so nice to have the bond that we have. We spend a lot of time with each other.’

When Kelly was 33, she became a grandmother for the first time, which made her one of the youngest in the nation. Despite being a young mum herself, it was still a shock when her daughter announced she was expecting a baby at 17.

At the time, Kelly’s youngest was just four days old.

Kelly explained: ‘I was sat on the sofa winding my son when Jade told me she was pregnant.

‘It was a shock. I had been a young parent myself and everyone wants better for their children, but how could I be angry about the fact my family was expanding – even though it was a shock to the system.’

Kelly as a young mum with twin daughters
Kelly with her twins (Picture: Caters News)

Kelly says she ‘wouldn’t change [their family situation] for the world,’ and that she’s glad she had her children young so she has more time to enjoy special moments.

‘It can be difficult some days, but I am still very young and active,’ she added. ‘I have a very active role in my grandchildren’s lives and I see or FaceTime them every day and have done since they were born.

‘We all have a very close-knit relationship.’

As Kelly’s own mum also had her at 17, she has a generation-spanning look at how things have changed for teen parents over the years.

She said: ‘I do worry about the stigma around young mums and teen mums, but it is so outdated and needs to change.

‘I think we have all well and truly broken the stigma, we all have done well for ourselves and our partners and children’s fathers have worked so hard.

‘I was 15 and my partner was 16 when we had our twins, and he worked hard to provide for us all, and my daughter’s partners are exactly the same.

‘I do help with childcare as and when it’s needed, but we’re together so much that the support is always there.’

 L-R Robbie, Kelly and Bonnie
Kelly with little Robbie and Bonnie (Picture: Caters News)

When Kelly tells people she’s with her grandchildren, she says the response is usually ‘a wide open mouth followed by “no way, you’re lying” and being told I barely look 25.’

She added: ‘I’ve also had people tell me that there is no way can be I can be a grandparent and I get a lot of shocked reactions, but my daughters are used to it now and just laugh it off.

‘I’m shocked with myself sometimes, I think “wow how has this happened?” and laugh to myself.’

Kelly believes having her children so young has meant she was a lot more carefree when bringing them up.

She said: ‘What works for some doesn’t for others, and being young mothers obviously works for my family, and we’re doing our own thing.

‘The stigma is outdated and being a young mum means having a lot more energy. I envy my younger self, but I also wonder how I managed twins at 15 -although it was far easier to have twins at 15 than have a son at 31.

‘You don’t worry as much when younger, and you have more energy, so you are worry-free and don’t stress as much.

‘I didn’t really have much anxiety about anything and I had a get-up and get on with it attitude which meant I flew through it and didn’t find it difficult.

‘I do wish I had that energy now as four grandchildren means it’s weighed a little.

‘My shop is now shut, I don’t want any more children, neither do Jade and Jasmine, so it’s now up to the boys.’

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