Left, a toddler sits on a display toilet in B&Q, leaning forward while relieving themselves on the throne. Another toddler, a white child in a yellow shirt, sits on a closed toilet to the left of the other child. Right, a white man with short black hair, a blue hoodie and black face mask winces as he places his hand down the same toilet in the left photo.
Jacob’s parents told him to get off the toilet, but he said he ‘needed to finish’ (Picture: Jam Press)

This dad will forever regret not keeping an eye on his four-year-old boy at B&Q.

Azzy Akhtar was looking for washing lines with his partner Caroline when they turned round to see Jacob astride the display bog at the Glastonbury store.

The mum asked the toddler to get off the porcelain throne but it was ‘very much too late’.

‘The young shop assistant couldn’t stop laughing but also completely ignored the situation – don’t blame the lad,’ Caroline wrote on Facebook.

Poor Azzy then had the uneviable job of fishing out the ‘very big poo’.

Hilarious pictures show the hapless dad wincing as he stuck his hand down the toilet with the help of multiple wet wipes.

Caroline told NeedToKnow.online: ‘At first we were mortified but then we found it funnier and funnier.

‘I quick paced back to the car park to get wet wipes and nappy bags and I couldn’t stop laughing then.

A man with a blue hoodie and white shorts places his right hand in a small plastic bag as he stands in front of a white display toilet in a shop.
Jacob’s parents entered the store intending to buy a washing line but were reduced to this (Picture: Jam Press)
A white man with short black hair, a blue hoodie and black face mask winces as he places his hand down a toilet.
Dad Azzy retrieves the ‘very big poo’ (Picture: Jam Press)

‘He was still on the toilet so I proceeded to help wipe his bum still and explain [that] the toilets in shops are not actual toilets.

‘He said his sister, Frankie, said he could use it. [His other sister] Eliza was oblivious to it all and happy just playing on the toilets.’

It isn’t the first smelly situation popular retailers have had to put up with.

One Scots mum found human poo smeared on a packet of chicken nuggets inside an Iceland freezer back in 2020.

‘At first [staff members] laughed, and then one was kind of heaving, saying, “that’s disgusting”,’ Lynne McCabe, 35, told the Daily Record.

‘They let me use the staff room to clean my hands. They did say sorry and gave me a box of Lindor chocolate balls as an apology.

‘I mean, come on, I’m covered in poo and they give me chocolate balls to say sorry?’

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