Joint radio-infrared view of Alcyoneus, a radio galaxy with a projected proper length of 5.0 Mpc. We show a 204800 ? 204800 solid angle centred around right ascension 123.590372? and declination 52.402795?. We superimpose LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) DR2 images at 144 MHz of two dierent resolutions (6 00 for the core and jets, and 6000 for the lobes) (orange), with the Wide-eld Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) image at 3.4 ?m (blue). To highlight the radio emission, the infrared emission has been blurred to 0.5 0 resolution credit: Oei, et al/ArXiv
Joint radio-infrared view of Alcyoneus, a radio galaxy with a projected proper length of 5.0 Mpc. (Picture: Oei, et al/ArXiv)

Astronomers have discovered the largest known structure of galactic origin — a giant radio galaxy with a projected length of five megaparsecs. 

The radio galaxy named Alcyoneus was found some 3 billion light-years away. That’s 16.3 million light-years long, making it the largest known galaxy to be discovered so far.

Researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands found that Alcyoneus was a special type of galaxy known as a radio galaxy, defined by a unique feature of its central supermassive black hole.

Giant radio galaxies consist of a host galaxy, made of a cluster of stars orbiting a galactic nucleus containing a supermassive black hole, as well as colossal jets and lobes that erupt from the centre.

How much is a megaparsec?

A megaparsec is a measurement of distance equal to one million parsecs or 3.26 million light-years.

When any black hole gobbles up material, matter swirls around it similar to water swirling around a drain.

Sometimes, some of that matter is able to escape being sucked in by riding the immense magnetic field of the black hole to the magnetic poles and getting shot out into space as jets of highly charged particles.

These jets can travel hundreds of thousands of light-years before forming into massive lobes. These lobes interact with the intergalactic medium to generate radio emissions, hence the name radio galaxy.

The lobes of Alcyoneus were found to be gigantic, extending five megaparsecs from one end to the other, which translates to about 16.3 million light-years across.

The discovery may provide astronomers with vital clues to solving the mystery of radio galaxies’ enormous growth.

Earth planet surface in outer space. Stars and milky way on background. Sci-fi space wallpaper. Elements of this image furnished by NASA (url:
Scientists discover the largest galaxy ever, the size of a 100 Milky Ways(Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Giant radio galaxies or ‘giants’ are the Universe’s largest structures generated by individual galaxies. However, the main mechanisms that drive their exceptional growth remain poorly understood, according to researchers.

Surprisingly, the massive black hole at the centre of the galactic disk producing the jets and lobes actually isn’t the largest seen to date which makes the massive size of Alcyoneus a mystery.

‘The discovery shows that the sphere of influence of some galaxies reaches far from their direct environment,’ said a researcher at Leiden University. 

‘How far, exactly? That is hard to determine,’ they added.

Also, since they’re only seeing Alcyoneus from a single viewpoint, it’s very difficult to judge its depth.

‘As a result, scientists can only measure a part of the radio galaxy length: a low estimate of the total length,’ said a statement on the discovery.

But even then at a minimum of 16 million light-years, Alcyoneus is comparable to one hundred Milky Ways in a row.

Even the Milky Way has radio lobes but it’s unclear why some in galaxies they grow to huge sizes like the giant radio galaxies, so this discovery could be key to understanding what drives their growth.

‘If there exist host galaxy characteristics that are an important cause for giant radio galaxy growth, then the hosts of the largest giant radio galaxies are likely to possess them,’ said the researchers, led by astronomer Martijn Oei of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands.

The discovery has been accepted for publication by the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics

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