Partygate saga ?has made Britain a laughing stock around the world?
European and US media have poured scorn on the prime minister (Picture: Getty)

Boris Johnson’s ‘partygate’ scandal has made him ‘a laughing stock’ to the world, critics have claimed — as European and US media pour scorn on him.

With the Prime Minister facing a roasting on social media with memes about being ‘ambushed by cake’, it isn’t any surprise that he is getting international attention.

The PM is fighting for his political career over claims a number of parties and drinking sessions were held in Downing Street and elsewhere in Whitehall during lockdown.

Some loyal Tory MPs are offering puzzling defences of their leader, including that Johnson did not present a birthday cake to himself and that Covid rules were broken in most homes.

All of this appears to add to the chaos surrounding Whitehall, and far from being just a ‘Westminster bubble’ story, the whole world is paying attention.

Former Labour home secretary Jack Straw told Sky News: ‘It’s an entertaining story for other countries but, by God, in Germany and France and other European countries they are enjoying Britain’s discomfiture and that’s not a good position for us to be in.’

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Germany’s most popular newspaper Bild yesterday used its headline to describe how the PM now ‘trembles before Scotland Yard’s iron lady’.

It came after Metropolitan Police commissioner Dame Cressida Dick confirmed it was investigating lockdown parties at Downing Street.

Der Spiegel magazine devoted a story to Conservative MP Conor Burns’ much-mocked attempt to defend the PM’s surprise birthday party with the headline ‘he was attacked with a cake’.

France’s Le Monde called the PM ‘isolated’ while Dutch publication NRC Handelsblad said: ‘The way he’s twisting himself now is ludicrous.

‘It confirms the image of an English upper middle class who believes that rules are there for others.

The reaction comes after Metropolitan Police commissioner Dame Cressida Dick confirmed it was investigating lockdown parties at Downing Street (Picture: Getty Images Europe)

‘From the Eton-Oxford Guard that still runs the UK, from the Bullingdon Club of super-rich students who smashed restaurants — to which Johnson belonged.’

Using a photo of the PM out jogging, Spain’s El Pais newspaper wrote: ‘A liar is caught sooner than a runner in coloured shorts and executive socks, like Boris Johnson.’

The New York Daily News said Mr Johnson was ‘famed for brushing off accusations of distortion or outright lying that seemed to only bolster his image as an incorrigible scamp’.

But he ‘suddenly faces potential political death over the very charge to which he had seemed immune’.

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