illustration of person on their phone
There’s now a name for it (Picture: Getty)

Whether it’s acrophobia (heights), aerophobia (flying) or arachnophobia (spiders), we’re all familiar with the most common types of fears.

But it seems there’s a new phobia that’s emerged out of our increasingly digitalised society.

Nomophobia – AKA ‘no mobile phone phobia’ – is very much a real thing. And this fear of being without our devices is impacting our health and wellbeing, suggests a new study.

Research from Monash University shows that a staggering 99.2% of users have some level of fear of not having their phone around.

The study – which was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health – surveyed 2,838 Australians on their psychological attachment to their phone and usage habits.

Almost half (43.3%) admitted to spending more than three hours a day on their phone. In addition to this, the more time spent on the device, the greater the nomophobia and the higher the risk they would go to extreme (and sometimes illegal) lengths to continue to use their phone.

Lazy girl lying on a sofa using smartphone
Fears of being without our phones is affecting ourselves and those around us (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Those aged between 18-25 showed the highest levels of nomophobia, with men twice as likely to engage in dangerous use than women.

Users with nomophobia were 11.7 times more likely to have a problematic phone dependency and 10.3 times more likely to use their phone in a prohibited space, such as a classroom or cinema.

But perhaps the most concerning finding of the study was that these users were also 14 times more likely to put themselves and others in danger in order to use their device, like when they are driving, cycling or walking.

Lead researcher, PhD candidate Fareed Kaviani, said: ‘The fear of being without one’s mobile phone may be a rational response when we have come to rely on them for staying in contact with friends and family, using the digital wallet, scanning QR codes for entry into venues, or to read shopping lists and access information.

‘Use becomes problematic when the digital takes precedence, to the detriment of the physical.

‘Habits are involuntary, and mindless engagement can continue in physical environments where use is prohibited, like the cinema or library, or even become dangerous, such as using a phone while driving or crossing the road.

‘If your smartphone use is having a deleterious impact on the physical and/or psychological health of yourself or those around you, then that is a problem.’

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