auditd-plugins(5) — Linux manual page


AUDITD-PLUGINS(5)    System Administration Utilities   AUDITD-PLUGINS(5)

NAME         top

       auditd-plugins - realtime event receivers

DESCRIPTION         top

       auditd can multiplex audit events in realtime. It takes audit
       events and distributes them to child programs that want to
       analyze events in realtime. When the audit daemon receives a
       SIGTERM or SIGHUP, it passes that signal to its child processes
       so that can reload the configuration or terminate.

       The child programs install a configuration file in a plugins
       directory which defaults to /etc/audit/plugins.d. This can be
       controlled by a auditd.conf config option plugin_dir if the admin
       wished to locate plugins somewhere else. But auditd will install
       its plugins in the default location.

       The plugin directory will be scanned and every plugin that is
       active will be started. If the plugin has a problem and exits, it
       will be started a maximum of max_restarts times as found in

       Config file names are not allowed to have more than one '.' in
       the name or it will be treated as a backup copy and skipped.
       Config file options are given one per line with an equal sign
       between the keyword and its value. The available options are as

       active The options for this are yes or no.

              The option is dictated by the plugin.  In or out are the
              only choices. You cannot make a plugin operate in a way it
              wasn't designed just by changing this option. This option
              is to give a clue to the event dispatcher about which
              direction events flow. NOTE: inbound events are not
              supported yet.

       path   This is the absolute path to the plugin executable. In the
              case of internal plugins, it would be the name of the

       type   This tells the dispatcher how the plugin wants to be run.
              There is only one valid option, always , which means the
              plugin is external and should always be run. The default
              is always since there are no more builtin plugins.

       args   This allows you to pass arguments to the child program.
              Generally plugins do not take arguments and have their own
              config file that instructs them how they should be
              configured. At the moment, there is a limit of 2 args.

       format The valid options for this are binary and string.  Binary
              passes the data exactly as the audit event dispatcher gets
              it from the audit daemon. The string option tells the
              dispatcher to completely change the event into a string
              suitable for parsing with the audit parsing library. The
              default value is string.

NOTE         top

       auditd has an internal queue to hold events for plugins. (See the
       q_depth setting in auditd.conf.) Plugins have to watch for and
       dequeue events as fast as possible and queue them internally if
       they can't be immediately processed. If the plugin is not able to
       dequeue records, the auditd internal queue will get filled. At
       any time, as root, you can run the following to check auditd's

       auditctl --signal cont ; sleep 1 ; cat /var/run/auditd.state

       If auditd's internal queue fills, it cannot dequeue any events
       from the kernel backlog. If the kernel's backlog fills, it looks
       at the value of backlog_wait_time to delay all processes that
       generate an event to see if there is eventually room to add the
       event. This will likely be noticed as slowing down various
       processes on the machine. The kernel's audit subsystem can be
       checked by running:

       auditctl -s

       When tuning the audit system's performance, you'd want to check
       both kernel and auditd metrics and adjust accordingly.


       When the audit daemon starts your plugin, you will be running as
       root. If you do not need root privileges, you should change
       uid/gid to lower chances of being a target for exploit. If you
       need to retain capabilities, using libcap-ng is the simplest way.

       Your environment is not going to be clean. You are inheriting
       many attributes from auditd itself. You will need to adjust your
       signal mask, sigaction, umask, and environmental variables. Look
       at the auditd man page to see which signals auditd used. Plugins
       are expected to handle SIGTERM and SIGHUP. You will also inherit
       the resource limits of auditd. Note that some of these resource
       limits, such as maximum number of open descriptors, are
       controlled by systemd. You also inherit auditd's nice value. You
       might want to adjust that to be sure to keep up with incoming
       audit events.

       Auditd will send events to the plugin on it's stdin. The plugin
       has to keep this descriptor empty so that events don't back up.
       If you do significant processing of each event, you should add an
       internal queue to your design in order to keep events flowing.
       The auparse_feed function is the preferred way to examine whole
       events if you need to analyze the contents of the events.

FILES         top

       /etc/auditd/auditd.conf /etc/audit/plugins.d

SEE ALSO         top

       auditd.conf(5), auditd(8), execve(2), auparse_feed(3).

AUTHOR         top

       Steve Grubb

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the audit (Linux Audit) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug
       report for this manual page, send it to [email protected].
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-06-12.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to [email protected]

Red Hat                         Jan 2024               AUDITD-PLUGINS(5)

Pages that refer to this page: auditd.conf(5)auditd(8)