Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 Goes Virtual

As previously promised, we are announcing today that we have decided to hold the the Linux Plumbers Conference 2020 virtually instead of in person. We value the safety and health of our community and do not wish to expose anyone to unnecessary risks.

We do appreciate that it is the in-person aspect of plumbers (the hallway track) which attendees find the most valuable. An online Linux Plumbers Conference will clearly be different from past events. We are working hard to find ways to preserve as much of the LPC experience as we can while also taking advantage of any new opportunities that the online setting offers us. Since we no longer have many of the fixed expenses of an in-person conference, we are able to reduce the registration fee to $50. In addition we are pushing back the opening of registration to June 15 2020.

We’ll provide more details as we figure them out, thanks for your patience and support.

Do not forget to send your contribution.

We do have great proposals and if you have submitted, thank you very much. Our microconference capacity is filling up quickly, if you want your microconference to be considered, act now! We are still looking for proposals for refereed talks as well.


The LPC 2020 Planning Committee

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