Semantic Web Mining

Dear colleague(s),

we are in the midst of submitting a proposal for an ECML/PKDD workshop
on "Semantic Web Mining".  There are quite a number of people from
different communities that approach the field of Semantic Web Mining
from different, interesting angles. We hope to further, or even
establish,  communiction between these communities through the

We want to include people, e.g., from the fields of
- web mining
- machine learning
- semantic web
- knowledge engineering and acquisition.

To support our proposal we are solicting statements of interest from
you. You may support the proposal by simply replying to this mail.
This does not involve any actual commitment on your side to
participate in the workshop, but is simply an indication to the ECML
and PKDD workshop chairs that the topic is of high interest and

Best regards,
Gerd Stumme, Andreas Hotho


In the Semantic Web Mining workshop we intend to bring together
researchers and practitioners from the two fastly developing research
areas Semantic Web and Web Mining. One can improve the results of Web
Mining by exploiting the new semantic structures in the web.
Furthermore, Web Mining can help to build the Semantic Web.

The Semantic Web is based on a vision of Tim Berners-Lee. He suggests
to enrich the web by machine processable information which is
organized on different levels (see For Web Mining, the levels
from XML and RDF to ontologies and logics are of particular interest.

Web Mining applies data mining techniques on the web. Three areas can
be distinguished: Web usage mining analyzes the user behavior, web
structure mining explores the hyperlink structure, and web content
mining exploits the contents of the documents in the web.

In the workshop, we want to discuss the use of XML, RDF, ontologies,
and logics for the three web mining areas; and the support of web
mining techniques for building (XML and RDF) schemes and ontologies.

Gerd Stumme, Institut f�r Angewandte Informatik und Formale
Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB), Universit�t Karlsruhe (TH)

Received on Friday, 9 February 2001 12:09:08 UTC