Meeting record: 2007-04-24 SWD telecon

The [1]record of yestersday's Semantic Web Deployment WG
telecon is ready for review. A text copy follows below.


   1. Admin
   2. SKOS
   3. Recipes
   4. Vocabulary Management
   5. RDFa
   6. AOB

Summary of Resolutions

   RESOLUTION: accepted minutes of 17 Apr 2007

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Diego to send the review of GRDDL spec [recorded in

   [PENDING] ACTION: Antoine to make a proposal about SKOS Use Case
   document [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ben to provide feedback on GRDDL Last Call Doc
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ben to send a summary of status of components of
   specifications will be handled [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Guus revise his ISSUE-26 proposal to account for
   other options
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: TomB to start questionnaire on date for f2f
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Alistair to write up two alternatives for
   representing Collections
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Elisa to provide outline of work to be done by Apr
   17 [44]]
   [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3
   [recorded in

   [DONE] ACTION: Antoine, Jon, Daniel respond to the SKOS Use Case
   reviews, target a decision to publish on 17 April
   [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Diego to review GRDDL Last Call Doc. Discuss briefly
   at next week's call [recorded in

   [DROPPED] ACTION: Alan to write down the general documentation
   requirements, in particular to those that are related to literal
   values, and how to represent that in skos
   [recorded in
   [DROPPED] ACTION: Alan to write up the preferredLabel modelling
   issue [53]]
   [recorded in

The full text of the minutes follows.

Semantic Web Deployment Working Group

24 Apr 2007



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Diego Berrueta, Bernard Horan, Ralph Swick, Alistair Miles,
          Simone Onofri, Antoine Isaac, Guus Schreiber, Daniel Rubin,
          Tom Baker

          Jon Philips, Vit Novacek, Elisa Kendall

          Guus Schreiber

          Diego Berrueta


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Admin
         2. [6]SKOS
         3. [7]Recipes
         4. [8]Vocabulary Management
         5. [9]RDFa
         6. [10]AOB
     * [11]Summary of Action Items


   PROPOSED to accept minutes of 17 April telecon:


   RESOLUTION: accepted minutes

   tomb proposed next telecon May 8

   <RalphS> Ralph: regrets for 8 May; meetings in Banff

   <scribe> ACTION: TomB to start questionnaire on date for f2f
   [recorded in


   RalphS: we should revise this action
   ... week of November 4th or the week of November 11th?


   Antoine: still waiting for answers
   ... I don't know what should be done now
   ... if we got positive answers, we could give a version a week after

   guus: we can discuss the comments in a later telecon. We need to
   publish this
   ... common way to respond to good documents is to make them optional
   ... ping reviewers with the new version

   <RalphS> [14]Re: [SKOS] Review of SKOS Use Cases and Requirements


   <scribe> ACTION: Antoine to make a proposal about SKOS Use Case
   document [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Antoine, Jon, Daniel respond to the SKOS Use Case
   reviews, target a decision to publish on 17 April
   [16]] [DONE]
   [recorded in


   guus: propose to drop the actions on Alan

   <TomB> +1 to drop the actions

   <scribe> ACTION: Alan to write up the preferredLabel modelling issue
   [DROPPED] [recorded in


   <scribe> ACTION: Alan to write down the general documentation
   requirements, in particular to those that are related to literal
   values, and how to represent that in skos
   [DROPPED] [recorded in


   guus: i've been very busy. Any volunteer (to tackle ISSUE-26)?

   <scribe> ACTION: Guus revise his ISSUE-26 proposal to account for
   other options
   [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   <scribe> ACTION: Alistair to write up two alternatives for
   representing Collections
   [CONTINUES] [recorded in


   guus: we should start making progress in the issues now

   aliman: i suggest relationship with OWL(-DL)
   ... alan has been cc'ing me in a discussion about OWL 1.1

   <RalphS> [Alistair, could you give us a pointer to the owl 1.1
   thread archive?]

   aliman: we should address mapping between concept schemes
   ... it doesn't look difficult

   guus: i discussed with daniel 2 weeks ago

   aliman: should we have narrower, broader across schemes?

   daniel: some domains may use more specific properties

   guus: we have to give a guideline about equivalence
   ... skos:skos:related is too general, skos:broader/narrower are too

   aliman: what's the difference between skos:related and

   guus: similarTo may be a subproperty of related

   aliman: how the retrieval applications should operate on these
   ... the only way to define the semantics of these properties is
   through operational uses
   ... let's think about how retrieval applications should treat these
   properties in order to determine their semantics

   Antoine: actually what you propose as operational semantics of
   narrower/broader is just one interpretation
   ... so we don't have the absolute definition of the properties

   aliman: you're absolutely right, but it should be at least "the most
   reasonable" way to operationally use these properties

   guss: this operational semantics should be a guideline, not a

   Antoine: this moves us to the compound concepts
   ... issue about provenance seems difficult

   aliman: probably related with versioning
   ... SKOS has no notion of version

   guus: (about versioning in SKOS) maybe we can't solve this in this

   aliman: we should have this on the table anyway

   guus: I can't see anything specific to SKOS

   <aliman> I note that at leasting talking about versioning, both in
   relation to SKOS specifically, and in relation to RDF and OWL
   vocabularies more generally, is in our charter, within the
   Vocabulary Management work area.


   <scribe> ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3
   [CONTINUES] [recorded in


Vocabulary Management

   <scribe> ACTION: Elisa to provide outline of work to be done by Apr
   17 [28]]
   [CONTINUES] [recorded in



   guus: what's the status?

   RalphS: sorry, I couldn't attend to yesterday's meeting

   <scribe> ACTION: Ben to send a summary of status of components of
   specifications will be handled [recorded in


   <RalphS> [31]record of yesterday's RDFa TF telecon


   <RalphS> Simone: RDFa TF discussing issues with W3C validator

   <RalphS> ... compatibility of new requirements with current W3C

   <RalphS> ... also discussing issue of literals, may be similar to a
   literal issue in SKOS

   guus: (to Simone) please summarize through the list


   <RalphS> [32]GRDDL spec review [Diego]


   guus: let's suggest to add a paragraph about when to use GRDDL and
   when to use RDFa

   RalphS: it's better to simply say that there are two alternatives

   guus: this may confuse readers

   <scribe> ACTION: Diego to send the review of GRDDL spec [recorded in

   <TomB> okay, is that a response from the SWD WG if Diego sends it?

   <RalphS> yes, thanks, Diego, for the GRDDL review

   <scribe> ACTION: Diego to review GRDDL Last Call Doc. Discuss
   briefly at next week's call [recorded in
   [34]] [DONE]


   <RalphS> Tom, I believe the record is sufficient to show that Diego
   was asked to comment on behalf of the WG and this meeting discussed
   his review briefly but we did not ask for a WG consensus

   No further business, meeting adjourned




   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [55]scribe.perl version 1.128
    ([56]CVS log)
    $Date: 2007/04/24 20:53:54 $


Diego Berrueta
R&D Department  -  CTIC Foundation
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 07:20:46 UTC