Re: [ALL]: volunteer for tutorial page?

Tom Adams wrote:
> Hi Guus,
>> W3C receives many requests from outsiders about educational material 
>> for SW technology. The Semantic Web Coordination Group has asked me 
>> whether the SWBPD would be willing to maintain an outward-facing 
>> tutorial page, linked from the general W3C Semantic Web page.
>> My question therefore is: is there a volunteer within this group who 
>> would be willing to create and maintain a tutorial page? There is 
>> already quite some tutorial material out there, see for example Alan's 
>> message [1] on the Protege/OWL tutorial.
> This seems like a task that I can contribute to the WG, I'd be happy to 
> take it on.


Thanks, that's great. May I suggest that you send a message about how 
you want to approach this and that it is discussed at the next telecon?

> Will this be *the* tutorial page for SW? Or just one hosted by the WG?

Well, I guess "just" W3C but experience learns that a lot of people come 
to this site for SW info.


> Cheers,
> Tom

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Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 13:20:57 UTC