[ANNOUNCE] libinput 1.14.1

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Mon Aug 26 03:02:29 UTC 2019

libinput 1.14.1 is now available. This release fixes a commonly seen
regression on 1.14.0 where a two-finger interaction (click + drag) was
interpreted as scroll event instead of the intended action.

The RollerMouse v3 now has debouncing disabled so the double-click button
works. And we now have zsh completions for the libinput command.

Many thanks to Kevin, Matt and Ronan for what is the first ever libinput
release solely made up of patches from "external" contributors. Time to

Kevin Kaland (1):
      Fix double click button.

Matt Mayfield (1):
      touchpad: don't allow gestures with a clickpad button down by a finger

Peter Hutterer (1):
      libinput 1.14.1

Ronan Pigott (2):
      completion: add libinput(1) zsh completions
      tools: fix typo in debug-events

git tag: 1.14.1

MD5:  da29a704dc6f7ea2d5aac754db046340  libinput-1.14.1.tar.xz
SHA1: 116438b914342a0b45dcea1804aab751c9d335df  libinput-1.14.1.tar.xz
SHA256: e333a3242835c019ca37d2cef8b51a87d3138eb47444119c0153dc7a8656ee70  libinput-1.14.1.tar.xz
SHA512: 8416bab51ba1aab924fa1b41360bc2ad101fb60d3a82c73584bb1e2454554524716673e3eac7f08c18bd6a1ecdfa52ea3cfe09c7a866c59fcd47d75960e82d4c  libinput-1.14.1.tar.xz
PGP:  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libinput/libinput-1.14.1.tar.xz.sig

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