As a non-profit organization, our dedication to the greater health of our communities is simply unwavering. In addition to delivering world class care at the bedside, we’re intent on bringing improved health — and better living — to as many people as possible.
That’s why we’re committed to fully using our resources to improve the neighborhoods where we work and live. By investing in those around us and improving economic opportunity, we can greatly impact their lives in more ways.
Our community health strategy
For the City of Cleveland, our goal is to create the healthiest community for everyone. Our thinking is this: the more educated and employed a community is, the healthier it is, too.
Over the next five years, we’re going to dramatically increase the number of Cleveland residents who join our family. That will require building trust and getting engaged with those who make up our neighborhoods. From there, we’ll work to retain, promote and develop those employees.
As we continue this work across Cleveland, we’ll learn how it can be replicated for other communities we call home — like Florida and Nevada — as well as those we can influence in the future.
Investing in people and possibilities
We’re joining with hospitals throughout the country to transform the world around us. Our anchor mission acknowledges that with our collective power, we can create the opportunities and investments that lift up our neighborhoods and improve economic and health outcomes for everyone.
Cleveland Clinic Centennial East 100th Street Healthy Community Initiative
In celebration of our centennial, we’ve partnered with Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation and Councilman Blaine Griffin, City of Cleveland Ward 6, to launch a Healthy Community Initiative on E. 100th Street in the historic Fairfax neighborhood. As part of the initiative, residents can be assessed for health, social, economic and environmental needs — including housing quality and broadband access. The Langston Hughes Community Health and Education Center will serve as a neighborhood hub to provide education, clinical services and referrals to additional resources to address identified needs.
Youth education to workforce development
We’re connecting with our communities’ youngest members to help them get access to future opportunities. Through initiatives at Akron General and our main campus, high schoolers are seeing firsthand what a career in healthcare is like — and getting the skills they need to succeed.
Anchor initiatives
Guided by our goals for community improvement, we’re taking part in a series of Anchor Initiatives that invest in our neighborhoods and their well-being. For example, we’re partnering with minority-owned suppliers to advance their businesses. And we’ve teamed up with Meijer grocery stores to develop new housing near our main campus, giving residents access to new opportunities in the health technology field.
We’re making a difference
We’re putting our money toward the work we care about — and getting results. In 2019, we invested $1.16 billion to improve the health and education of our community. That includes: