Tech Italy Advocates

Tech Italy Advocates

Informatica e servizi

Milano, Milano 384 follower

Chi siamo

TECH ITALY ADVOCATES is a group of entrepreneurs, corporates and investors connected to the tech sector, which seeks to to be the leading driving force and platform to grow the Italy Tech sector into a leading global tech/startup hub internationally We SUPPORT the global growth of the Italy Tech sector/Startup ecosystem and our members We CONNECT our members with other global tech hubs through our Global Tech Advocates family We CHAMPION the sectors where Italy has a genuine competitive advantage We FACILITATE collaboration across the Italy Tech/Startup ecosystem Tech Italy Advocates is a sibling organisation to Tech London Advocates – London’s influential private sector led tech network of more than 6,000 Advocates, who have played an instrumental role in growing London’s tech sector to Europe’s leading tech and startup hub. Both groups are part of Global Tech Advocates,a global tech leader network with other groups based in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Nordics & Baltics, Spain, North of England, Bogotá, Belfast, Singapore and Shanghai. Join the Community The term “Advocate” means “one who publicly supports or promotes a particular cause”. An Advocate from Tech Italy Advocates is, therefore, a person who supports the mission of Tech Italy Advocates. Tech Italy Advocates is open to anyone and we do not require membership fees. Existing Advocates invite other Advocates. To join us get in contact. Why join us? • Access to Tech Italy Advocates’ Global Tech Advocates global family of tech leaders from Silicon Valley to New Zealand • Access to Tech Italy Advocates events • Opportunity to participate in Tech Italy Advocates’ Working Groups • Access to working groups networking and collaboration platforms • Opportunity to appear in the Tech Italy Advocates directory of tech leaders Tech Italy Advocates is supported by Cariplo Factory.

Informatica e servizi
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1 dipendente
Sede principale
Milano, Milano
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Tech Italy Advocates

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