Sahand Plastic Saba
Plastics Manufacturing
Shahriar ، Tehran ۱۵ دنبال کنندگان
Producer of recycled polyethylene and polypropylene granules in various grades
در باره ما
Sahand Plastic Saba is a leading innovator in the plastic recycling industry, dedicated to sustainability and excellence. With a passion for preserving our environment, we specialize in the production of high-quality recycled Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP) granules.
- وبسایت
پیوند به بیرون برای Sahand Plastic Saba
- صنعت
- Plastics Manufacturing
- اندازه شرکت
- 11-50 کارمندان
- ستاد
- Shahriar, Tehran
- نوع
- خود اشتغالی
- تأسیس
- 1988
Sahand Plastic Complex, First of Ashtiani Blvd, KhalajAbad Village, Shahedshahr, Shahriar, Tehran-Iran
Shahriar، ، Tehran 3356931999، IR