Boglárka Nagy
Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
520 Követői
500+ kapcsolat
Finnish recycling company RiverRecycle announced as the winner of the Impact Potential Award of the Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV Impact Tech…
Finnish recycling company RiverRecycle announced as the winner of the Impact Potential Award of the Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV Impact Tech…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
Today marked the 4th consecutive year to be on stage at the Budapest Climate Summit. Thanks for the invitation Andrea PANCZEL! This years’ topics…
Today marked the 4th consecutive year to be on stage at the Budapest Climate Summit. Thanks for the invitation Andrea PANCZEL! This years’ topics…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
🎉 I’m excited to share a new milestone in my academic journey! 🏆 I was honored to receive the Special Prize for Outstanding Presentation for my…
🎉 I’m excited to share a new milestone in my academic journey! 🏆 I was honored to receive the Special Prize for Outstanding Presentation for my…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
Szakmai tapasztalat
Budapest Business School
Activities and Societies: The Youth Committee of the Hungarian Economic Association (MKT)
Licencek és tanúsítványok
Önkéntes tapasztalat
Magas szintű szaknyelvi ismeret
Korlátozott szakmai nyelvismeret
Anyanyelvi vagy kétnyelvű szintű nyelvismeret
More activity by Boglárka
Volt értelme, hogy 1 hónapja gerillaakcióval teleaggattam a köztéri szobrokat játékbabákkal, döntőbe került ez a kampány is a Kreatív Magazin Prizma…
Volt értelme, hogy 1 hónapja gerillaakcióval teleaggattam a köztéri szobrokat játékbabákkal, döntőbe került ez a kampány is a Kreatív Magazin Prizma…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
Last week we held our #Space4Commerce Technology of Tomorrow event at Budapest bringing together industry leaders, merchants and new entrants in the…
Last week we held our #Space4Commerce Technology of Tomorrow event at Budapest bringing together industry leaders, merchants and new entrants in the…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
It's time to make Europe great again. For too long, we've been coasting in the peloton of comfortable countries falling further & further behind.…
It's time to make Europe great again. For too long, we've been coasting in the peloton of comfortable countries falling further & further behind.…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
En route to Slush & really looking forward to our Mastercard Lighthouse side-event ‘Fintech & Impact: New Horizons’ with the…
En route to Slush & really looking forward to our Mastercard Lighthouse side-event ‘Fintech & Impact: New Horizons’ with the…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
5 days until Slush and until the biggest #fintech Side Event this year 🤩 The Mastercard Lighthouse team is hosting our annual Grand Finale event…
5 days until Slush and until the biggest #fintech Side Event this year 🤩 The Mastercard Lighthouse team is hosting our annual Grand Finale event…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
📣 Just 5 days until Slush! 📣 We’re thrilled to announce one of the Mastercard Lighthouse Grand Finale keynote speakers: Maria Hedengren—Board pro,…
📣 Just 5 days until Slush! 📣 We’re thrilled to announce one of the Mastercard Lighthouse Grand Finale keynote speakers: Maria Hedengren—Board pro,…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
🏆 Congratulations to our three #FINITIV country winners announced at the Mastercard Lighthouse Startup Showcase event yesterday! 🇫🇮 Finland –…
🏆 Congratulations to our three #FINITIV country winners announced at the Mastercard Lighthouse Startup Showcase event yesterday! 🇫🇮 Finland –…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
Yesterday, we hosted a fantastic Mastercard Lighthouse Showcase event in Stockholm, where three outstanding #MASSIV startups received awards! 👏 🏆…
Yesterday, we hosted a fantastic Mastercard Lighthouse Showcase event in Stockholm, where three outstanding #MASSIV startups received awards! 👏 🏆…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
🌟 Introducing the Mastercard Lighthouse Investor Award! 🌟 Each year, Mastercard Lighthouse presents the Investor Award—a special recognition for…
🌟 Introducing the Mastercard Lighthouse Investor Award! 🌟 Each year, Mastercard Lighthouse presents the Investor Award—a special recognition for…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
💥 2 days left💥 Join us for the Mastercard Lighthouse Showcase event! Don't miss out on the chance to witness our innovative #fintech &…
💥 2 days left💥 Join us for the Mastercard Lighthouse Showcase event! Don't miss out on the chance to witness our innovative #fintech &…
Kedvelte: Boglárka Nagy
Egyéb megnevezett Boglárka Nagy személyek Hungary
Boglárka Nagy
COO at Hackrate
Boglárka Nagy
Purchasing Coordinator @Roche
Boglarka Nagy
Digital Marketing Specialist | Project Manager | Creator | Creative Thinker
Boglárka Nagy
Senior Social Media Manager at Szerencsejáték Zrt.
87 mások a Boglárka Nagy LinkedIn-en Hungary vannak
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