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About us

Prizm Group is a global agency with specialization in digital marketing, social media, big data, and eCommerce with 5 offices in Asia and Oceania. The group’s expertise lies beyond a mere digital solution but synchronizes MarTech and Creativity to empower the formation of a seamless digital experience. In 2022, Prizm Group was crowned the prestige overall Agency of the Year hosted by Marketing Interactive. As a prominent full-service digital marketing agency in Hong Kong, PRIZM stands at the frontier of the social digital transformation wave. Founded in 2012, PRIZM team has aspired to create works that exhilarate, motivate, and elevates our client’s brands amongst the competition. Our methodology can be divergent and experimental by nature, but we never cease to amaze the audience over the years with our innovative prowess.   Being customer-centric is at the core of PRIZM’s creative and service methodology. Our belief is that the synchronization of social media, data and technology is what propels the evolution of mere social interactions to full-fledge seamless customer journey that nurtures long-term meaningful brand relationships. PRIZM service scope fully encapsulates this philosophy with essential divisions in social content development, digital campaign activation, web development, digital strategy consultation, KOL support/arrangement to social ads media buy & data analytics. Keeping pacing with the digital era, PRIZM have expanded operation globally, with more than 200 specialists worldwide. Headquartered in Hong Kong, our branches extend to NZ, AU, SG, and China that provides localized marketing specialization in that region.  To accelerate the growth of the marketing community, we have also actively invested in more than 100 start-up companies over the years. We hope to show our love and passion for marketing and to open new opportunities to innovate. 

Advertising Services
Company size
201-500 employees
Kwun Tong, HK
Privately Held
Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy Planning, Online and Mobile Payment Technology, E-commerce Channel Operator, Payment Processing Technology, Localized Content Marketing, Social Media Engagement, O2O integration, Data Analytics, CRM Management, Metaverse, NFT, Web 3.0, Web Development, and Mobile Development


Employees at PRIZM Group


  • 【Prizm Sharing】Agency of the Year Awards 2023 話說喺早前AOTY 2023,Prizm Group連續第二年獲得Overall Agency of the Year大獎! 雖則本性內斂,好少外露興奮心情,但再次刷新紀錄,內心嘅喜悅就好比連續搶到mirror同blackpink嘅飛!👯🪩 之不過,當晚一一向同事致謝,青春地食完潮州打冷慶功宴後,又會開始思考:What’s Next?💭 上年獲得大獎時,正正係PRIZM成立10周年之時;而喺去年Annual Dinner同同事傾偈時,我亦有分享當時百感交集嘅心情: 曾經聽過有一個國際獎項嘅獎杯係用冰雕造的,當得獎者拎住獎杯返到屋企時,冰雕獎杯已經化作一攤水,大概係想提醒得獎者:「慶祝完就好快啲出返去做嘢喇喂~👩💻👨💻」 Digital 嘅大千世界變得愈來愈快,尤其係過去幾年,無論係web3嘅出現定係A.I嘅進步,我哋都係懷着小學升中學嗰種既興奮又緊張嘅心情,迎接及學習各種新事物。 呢個行業絕對唔係一個平靜嘅泳池,風急浪高嘅環境下並沒有提供原地踏步呢個option;簡單來說,不進則「退出」。 過去嘅日子裡,我哋努力overcome不同挑戰 💡— 每一次win pitch,每一次有滿意嘅project出世,每一次嘅死過翻生,最令我感恩嘅係聚集到一班超卓頂級嘅同事,我深明,依一切都唔係必然。 我希望團隊繼續互相提醒自己,唔好只做未來digital / social 世界嘅觀眾,而係作為積極參與嘅一份子🔥 除了感激,就係感激!🫶 #全部真心話 #利申冇請槍叫ChatGPT寫㗎 (小編按:老細感觸良多,用咗幾個禮拜去度個感言,唔巧意思!) #Award2023 #AOTY2023 #AgencyoftheYear #PRIZMGroup

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  • 【Prizm Sharing】Prizm wishes you a Joyful Merry Christmas 🎄! 每逢聖誕都會感概又過一年了!願未來一年繼續充滿無限可能,與各位再度攜手創造各種驚喜🧚 祝大家渡過一個精彩嘅聖誕佳節,2025年再見🎅🏻⛄️! Every Christmas, I can’t help but notice how quickly the year flies by! Here’s to a new year brimming with endless possibilities, and let’s join forces again to whip up some delightful surprises! 🧚 Wishing you all a cracking Christmas! See you in 2025! 🎅🏻⛄️ #2025HereWeAre #MerryChristmas  #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing

  • 【PRIZM Sharing】Annual Party 2024 又到聖誕,又係時候同大家飲飽食醉翻一晚🎉喇🎶 今年Party主題「銀幕奇幻夜」,PRIZM全體同仁化身不同年代、風格及形態嘅銀幕角色✨,相信大家已經當咗係年度Campaign咁,畀足十啖心機準備,睇片都feel到競爭十分激烈呀!! 唔講得笑,今年仲要有特約MC @chingyanfu 嘅爛Gag(✖️)氣氛(✔️)加乘,老細送禮都送得特別疏乾呀❤️🔥 聖誕佳節將至,喺依度先預祝大家#MerryChristmas 🎄~~~ It’s that time of year again—Christmas is here, and it’s time to feast and celebrate all night! 🎉🎶 This year’s bash was all about 'Cinematic Dream Gala,' and let me tell you, the PRIZM crew went all out, channeling their inner film stars from every era. ✨You could practically feel the competitive spirit through the screen—who knew we had so many aspiring actors among us? Special guest MC @chingyanfu brought his amusing gags to the mix, and the bosses were particularly generous with their gifts—talk about a festive treat! ❤️🔥 As we gear up for the season, here’s an early wish for everyone: #MerryChristmas!~~~🎄 #當晚好多影視紅星 #其中一位扮程人富扮得好出色 #再精彩啲嘅AfterParty畫面只能記在心中  #WorkHardPlayHarder #MerryChristmas #CheersTo2025 #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing

  • 【Prizm Sharing】Ha Ha Halloween 🎃 Prizm有Trick又有Treat👻 今個Halloween,我哋試吓學術啲,一齊嚟個Cocktail Workshop 好無?🥂 除咗準備古靈精怪造型嘅 Party Food 之外,我哋亦安排咗萬聖節主題嘅Cocktail Workshop畀大家學吓嘢之餘又慶吓節,整翻兩杯Tasty又Scary嘅Halloween Drink🍹 杯酒好唔好飲就唔清楚喇,但見到導師及同事們都Happy 隊酒❌ 調酒✔️ 就Feel到大家都投入同歡繽FUN萬聖節喇❤️🔥(靚女搣時表示收到哂我哋嘅熱情同祝酒👌🏻) This Halloween, let’s get a bit academic and join a Cocktail Workshop together, shall we? Aside from the Halloween-themed food and drinks, we’ve organized a Cocktail Workshop for everyone to learn something new while celebrating the occasion. Two tasty yet spooky Halloween drinks were created by our talented staff! 🍹 Well... the taste of the drinks is not guaranteed, but seeing everyone happy and enjoying the cocktails definitely gives off those fun Halloween vibes! ❤️🔥 #HappyHalloween #PrizmGroup #PrizmSharing

  • 【PRIZM Sharing】Redefining the paradigm of savings: Manulife’s empowering narrative of growth Manulife is redefining the concept of savings through its flagship product, Genesis, which provides clients with a rewarding and flexible solution for life's changes 💖 Our social campaign emphasizes the distinction between "passive saving" (儲錢) and "strategic saving" (儲蓄), shifting the traditional defensive narrative of insurance into an empowering story of growth ✨! /…He (Ben Sir 歐陽偉豪) effectively articulated the distinction between "儲錢" and "儲蓄," while vividly illustrating scenarios relevant to our target audience, thereby showcasing the benefits of Manulife’s flagship life-insurance savings plan, Genesis… / Read in Full: #PRIZMSharing #PRIZMGroup #MarketingInteractive

    Redefining the paradigm of savings: Manulife’s empowering narrative of growth

    Redefining the paradigm of savings: Manulife’s empowering narrative of growth

  • 【Prizm Showcase】ANESSA Shine On 盛夏追光之旅 Prizm 拍住🌚Mr. and Mrs. Moon🌝,與 @anessa_official_hongkong 齊齊投入盛夏「Shine」住跑! 透過Mobile Mini-Site Game📱及商場Offline Pop-up活動,參加者可以為Mr. and Mrs. Moon 搽上ANESSA防曬乳液🧴並帶住Mr. and Mrs. Moon跑出好成績,贏取獎品! Mobile Mini-Site Game除咗令品牌與目標客群互動更添趣味外,亦有助品牌收集相關數據,協助ANESSA後續整合、分析及Retargeting。 今次 Crossover 亦成功 leverage Mr. and Mrs. Moon 本身嘅網絡影響力,有助ANESSA擴闊客群,以Word-of-Mouth形式將ANESSA介紹畀更多Potential Customer💖 ➡ 立即click bio link了解更多 ! Prizm teams up with 🌚Mr. and Mrs. Moon🌝 and @anessa_official_hongkong to shine this summer! Through our Mobile Mini-Site Game 📱 and offline pop-up events at shopping malls, participants can apply ANESSA sunscreen 🧴 on Mr. and Mrs. Moon and help them achieve great results in the game to win prizes! The Mobile Mini-Site Game not only adds fun to brand engagement with the target audience but also helps ANESSA collect valuable data for future integration, analysis, and retargeting. This crossover successfully leverages the inherent influence of Mr. and Mrs. Moon, helping ANESSA expand its audience and introduce the brand to more potential customers through word-of-mouth 💖. ➡ Click the link in bio to learn more! #ANESSAHK #盛夏追光之旅 #MrnMrsMoon  #PRIZMShowcase #PRIZMGroup

  • 【Prizm Sharing】願獨特光芒點綴佳節,祝各位中秋快樂! 今年Prizm Group 特意與宣揚共融精神的設計工作室 - 無事無事研究所(Mosi Mosi)合作,聯同聽障插畫師、版畫系碩士黃裳共同推出別具意義的精美中秋賀卡✨ 作為Mosi Mosi 旗下藝術家之一,黃裳今次以「擁抱差異,擁抱自己」為題,與我們Design Team攜手合作,創作出獨一無二的中秋賀卡畫作🔥 黃裳作為香港自由職插畫師,先天雙耳失聰,從小熱愛繪畫,喜愛將版畫特色於其創作之中。作品不但展現藝術家獨特風格美學,亦盛載Prizm Group對共融價值的堅定信念。 每個人都是如此獨特閃亮,讓我們一起擁抱自己的與眾不同,令世界更多姿多彩💖 Wishing you a Mid-Autumn Festival glowing with unique radiance and filled with joy! This year, Prizm Group has partnered with Mosi Mosi, a human-centric design lab committed to promoting the spirit of inclusivity, to bring you a truly special Mid-Autumn greeting card ✨ Lovingly illustrated by Mosi Mosi’s artist Sheung Wong, a gifted deaf artist and printmaking master's graduate, this card captures not only artistic beauty but also Prizm Group's heartfelt dedication to the values of inclusivity 🔥 Each of us is a unique beam of light in the community. Let's embrace our individuality, adding more colors and vibrancy to life 💖 #願獨特光芒點綴佳節 #中秋快樂 #HappyMidAutumn  #PrizmGroup #Mosimosi

  • 【PRIZM Sharing】Apta Club Unveils Predictive Engagement Innovations at BabyExpo 🌟 In response to declining birth rates and with the aim of increasing its market share, Apta Club joined forces with Prizm Group to unveil comprehensive predictive engagement tools at BabyExpo last month. ✨ One of the notable innovations is the AI Predictive Baby Face Synthesizer, which generates a 3D model of a baby's likely appearance using ultrasound images. 📽️ Tools like the AI Poop Checker and Immunity Screener were also introduced at the event to offer parents critical health insights, enabling them to provide better care. 💖 Read in Full: #AptaClub #PRIZMGroup #PRIZMSharing #MarketingInteractive

    Leading the AI-volution: Apta Club unveils predictive engagement innovations at BabyExpo

    Leading the AI-volution: Apta Club unveils predictive engagement innovations at BabyExpo

  • 【Prizm Showcase】Manulife宏利 - 帶領健康新闊度 宏利帶領健康新闊度,今次搵埋許賢同豪哥一齊合作,幫腎仔搣甩虛腎! 豪腎CP由讀書拍片,到今次Manulife拍攝都繼續拍住上,有咩好得過有人 #與你同行成就更好 呢 (默默望向一齊完成依個campaign嘅同事BB sss<3) #帶領健康新闊度 #與你同行成就更好 #ManulifeHK #宏利香港 #ManulifeMacau #宏利澳門 #PrizmShowcase #PrizmGroup

  • 【Prizm Sharing】Agency of the Year Awards 2024 As we reach the halfway point of the year, we are delighted to announce our recent success at the Agency of the Year Awards 2024! A heartfelt thank you goes out to our hardworking teams and our amazing clients who have supported us unwaveringly Gold & Local Hero | Industry Specialist Agency of the Year | MarTech Agency of the Year Silver | Content Marketing Agency of the Year | Social Media Agency of the Year Bronze | Full-Service Agency of the Year #PrizmAward2024 #AgencyoftheYear #PRIZMGroup #AOTY

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