【《茶香滿銀河》-《第十一屆茗星茶藝師全國評選大賽》勇奪年度總冠軍】 「澳門銀河」茶藝師團隊之一的盧紫瑤,以粵港澳賽區冠軍代表身份與副泡手陳程紅今日於深圳出賽「“鳳凰單叢茶” 杯2024茗星茶藝師全國評選大賽年度總決賽」並勇奪年度總冠軍。 品味香茗、聆聽粵曲,是嶺南地區老一輩人的美好記憶。其中廣西梧州六堡茶,以其獨特香氣與祛濕功效而聞名,跟隨遠渡重洋的南方人一起遠銷海外,成為了他們在故鄉與異國之間的情感紐帶。茶藝師盧紫瑤以一杯梧州六堡茶,向那些漂泊海外卻始終不忘故土的華人致以最高的敬意;以一段粵劇唱腔,傳達中華兒女堅韌不拔的精神,以及對中華大地繁榮昌盛的美好祝願。讓我們以茶相邀,以曲傳情,共品這份超越時光的情誼。 盧紫瑤是「澳門銀河」培育的茶藝師之一,更是當中第三位獲得此頭銜及榮譽的成員。茶藝團隊再次於業界比賽中奪取佳績,「澳門銀河」將繼續推動及以弘揚澳門茶文化為目標,讓茶香飄世界、讓茶香滿銀河。 【The Champion of the National Competition for Tea Sommelier Annual Finals】 Crystal Lu from The Tea Master Team of Galaxy Macau representing Macau and has won the Championship at ‘The 11th “Phoenix Dan Chong” National Competition for Tea Sommelier Annual Finals’ in today at Shenzhen. Guangxi Liu Bao Tea, known for its unique aroma and health benefits, symbolizes the connection between Chinese expatriates and their homeland. Crystal celebrates this bond with a cup of Guangxi Liu Bao Tea, honoring those who hold their roots dear despite living abroad. Accompanied by the melodious strains of Cantonese opera, she expresses the resilience and hopes of the Chinese people. Join us in celebrating this enduring connection through tea and music. Galaxy Macau has continuously been growing outstanding tea ambassadors and Crystal is one of three tea team members who won this honor. Here in Macau, tea culture is an amalgamation of Eastern and Western influences, let’s take on a journey with us and discover the art of tea at Galaxy Macau. #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #ABiteofGalaxy