Issue Review#

These guidelines should be followed whenever issues are reviewed for quality, completeness and appropriateness. See the issue management page for information on when issues should be reviewed in this way.

Basic validation checks#

Issues which fail any of the following checks should be closed:


Additional steps

Does the issue belong to GNOME?

Add the Not GNOME label. If possible, include advice about where the issue should be reported.

If the issue is a feature request: does the module accept feature requests as issues?

Point the reporter in the direction of the appropriate forum

If the issue is a feature request and the module does accept feature requests in its issue tracker: is the feature wanted?

Add the Out of Scope label

Is the bug actually a bug? (In other words, is the behavior being reported intentional/desirable?)

Add the Expected Behavior label

Has the issue had the Needs Information label for longer than 6 weeks?

Add the Not Actionable label

When closing issues, please follow the communication guidelines.

Incorrect component#

If the issue has been reported against the wrong module:

  • If you’re able, move it to the correct module

  • If you aren’t able to move the issue to the correct module, close the issue and try to provide advice on where it should be reported

Addressing quality issues#

Quality issues with issue reports can include any of the following:

  • It is difficult or impossible to understand the problem that’s being described

  • The title is difficult to understand or does not accurately describe the issue

  • The report describes more than one problem

  • Missing information, such as:
    • Distribution name and version

    • Module version

    • For UI issues: screenshot or screen recording (in US English)

    • For crashes: a stack trace

Steps that reviewers should take to resolve these issues:

  • Ask the reporter to clarify the problem (add the Needs Information label when doing this)

  • Improve the issue title by rewriting it

  • If the report describes multiple problems or enhancements:
    • Pick one of the problems and add a comment to say that 1) this will be the sole focus of the report, and 2) ask that other issues be reported separately.

    • Add the Needs Information label and ask the reporter to clarify which single issue the report is about.

  • If any information is missing, request it and add the Needs Information label

Applying issue labels#

When reviewing issues, ensure that the correct labels are applied, in particular (see the label descriptions):

  • Bug

  • Cleanup

  • Crash

  • Enhancement

  • Feature

  • Regression

  • Performance

  • Regression

  • Security

  • Help wanted

  • Newcomers