Does windowtester support Eclipse 3.2 ?

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Sun Feiyue

Sep 27, 2013, 9:58:37 AM9/27/13
HI, all

According to "", windowtester pro supports Eclipse 3.4.x - 3.6.
And I am sure that windowtester can work on Eclipse 3.4 very well.

However, I am very curious that whether windowtester can work on Eclipse 3.2, because we also have a product based on Eclipse 3.2. There are two meanings for this question.
  (1)  Can wintester be installed as a plug-in into Eclipse 3.2 which is the product development environment?

  (2)  Can wintester-test-scripts be run against the product based on Eclipse 3.2?

  I'm really care "question (2)", because even if the answer of (1) is NO, we still can record test scripts using higher version eclipse, or write test scripts manually. So, question (2) is the matter.

  I have tried run test scripts against our product based on Eclipse 3.2, the following exception happened.
          "ClassNotFoundException: com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.widgets.win32.win32.x86.WTRuntimeFactorySWT_win32_win32_x86"

I'm trying to find the answers and the solutions. It will be grateful for me to give me any hints about this.

# English is my second language, please forgive my poor English.

Best Regards.

Fred G

Oct 2, 2013, 8:54:25 AM10/2/13

I just tried to install WindowTester from the Eclipse 3.4 update site ( into Eclipse 3.2.
Unfortunately there are multiple errors, that prevent the user from recording any test cases.
Therefore the answer to (1) is no.
I did not have time to test (2), but I doubt that it will work as expected (given that you already had an exception).

So I'm afraid to say, that Eclipse 3.2 seems not to be supported by WindowTester.
Eclipse 3.2 is now quite old (2006), therefore there will only be limited interest in supporting it.
But... it's open source after all, so you could always try to make it work yourself. :-)



Eric Clayberg

Oct 2, 2013, 9:37:19 AM10/2/13
As I recall, there were a lot of breaking Eclipse changes between 3.2 and 3.4, and we used to do builds specific to each Eclipse version to account for those changes. There is no chance that the 3.4 build would run under 3.2 as-is, but with some work it could happen. There was a time many years ago where WT did run there, so it isn't out of the question. The burden would be on the group wanting it since it would be of little interest to anyone else.


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Sun Feiyue

Oct 6, 2013, 9:12:30 AM10/6/13
Thank Fred and Eric.
I will try it at some time.

Best Regards
 -Sun Feiyue

Vit Kluganost

May 23, 2014, 9:03:32 AM5/23/14

we are trying to use WindowTester against our application which is developed on the 3.3 Eclipse target platform. It seems that the update site doesn´t work anymore. Is there a big difference if we use instead?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Vít Kluganost

Dne neděle, 6. října 2013 16:12:30 UTC+2 Sun Feiyue napsal(a):

Fred G

May 27, 2014, 1:41:34 PM5/27/14
Hi Vit,

I can access the update site without any problems.
A quick test with an Eclipse 3.3 installation worked. I did not do any thorough testing though.

If you still can't access the update site, let me know and we'll figure out a different way.



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