In this paper, we propose a contactless cardiac cycle monitoring system, mmECG, which leverages Commercial-Off-The-Shelf mmWave radar to estimate the fine- ...
In this paper, we propose a contactless cardiac cycle monitoring system, mmECG, which leverages Commercial-Off-The-Shelf mmWave radar to estimate the fine- ...
In this paper, we propose a contactless cardiac cycle monitoring system, mmECG, which leverages Commercial-Off-The-Shelf mmWave radar to estimate the fine- ...
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How many cardiac cycles should you have in one minute?
What is the cardiac cycle of the human heart?
What is the difference between the cardiac cycle and the cardiac output?
How does blood pressure in the aorta change as the heart goes through a cardiac cycle and why?
mmECG: Monitoring human cardiac cycle in driving environments leveraging millimeter wave. X Xu, J Yu, C Ma, Y Ren, H Liu, Y Zhu, YC Chen, F Tang. IEEE INFOCOM ...
mmECG: Monitoring Human Cardiac Cycle in Driving Environments Leveraging Millimeter Wave. Xiangyu Xu (Southeast University, China); Jiadi Yu (Shanghai Jiao ...
mmECG: Monitoring Human Cardiac Cycle in Driving Environments Leveraging Millimeter Wave · Xiangyu XuJiadi Yu +5 authors. Feilong Tang. Engineering, Medicine.
mmECG: Monitoring Human Cardiac Cycle in Driving Environments Leveraging Millimeter Wave. Conference Paper. May 2022. Xiangyu Xu · Jiadi Yu ...
[July 2020] Our paper “Leveraging Acoustic Signals for Fine-grained Breathing Monitoring in Driving Environments” has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on ...
mmECG: Monitoring Human Cardiac Cycle in Driving Environments Leveraging Millimeter Wave. INFOCOM 2022: 90-99. [c22]. view. electronic edition via DOI ...
In this paper, we propose a contactless HRR monitoring technique, mmHRR, which achieves accurate heart rate (HR) estimation with a commercial mmWave radar.