Cryptographic authentication mechanisms and key management schemes cannot suggest solutions for the real root of the problem. In this paper, we propose a trust ...
In this paper, we propose a trust management scheme which can identify trustworthiness of sensor nodes and suggest a defensible approach against insider attacks ...
This paper proposes a trust management scheme which can identify trustworthiness of sensor nodes and suggest a defensible approach against insider attacks ...
Here, we propose a trust management scheme for resilient wireless sensor net- works, which helps the networks to operate robustly although some nodes or data ...
Cryptographic authentication mechanisms and key management schemes cannot suggest solutions for the real root of the problem. In this paper, we propose a trust ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Trust management in wireless sensor Networks ... resilient geographic routing. in wireless ... Task-based trust management for wireless sensor ...
Secondly, all three models evaluate communication-based trust that involves direct trust, indirect trust, and overall trust between the sensor nodes. The ...
Garcia-Molina, The eigentrust algorithm for reputation management in P2P networks, in:... Y. Wang, J. Vassileva, Trust and reputation model in peer-to-peer ...
The objective of trust management in WSN is to distinguish between trustworthy network nodes and untrustworthy ones. Then, the trustworthy. Page 3 ...
We present SensorTrust, a trust model to evaluate the trustworthiness of nodes in hierarchical wireless sensor networks, focusing on data integrity. References.