We outline a novel approach for formally verifying zero-knowledge protocols building on Dynamic. Epistemic Logic (DEL) as an abstract semantics for a low-level ...
Verify that a single run of BKP satisfies three security desiderata – expressed in the formal language of DEL: ⇒ Zero-knowledge. ⇒ Proof of knowledge. ⇒ No ...
Toward Dynamic Epistemic Verification of Zero-Knowledge Protocols. Costa, Gabriele. ;Perini Brogi, Cosimo. 2024-01-01. Scheda breve; Scheda completa; Scheda ...
Jul 15, 2021 · This thesis presents an epistemic logic for modeling Zero-Knowledge proofs and other cryptographic protocols. We consider multi-agent ...
This essay explores what (if anything) research on interactive zero knowledge proofs has to teach philosophers about the epistemology of mathematics and ...
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This thesis presents an epistemic logic for modeling Zero-Knowledge proofs and other cryptographic protocols, and introduces a cryptographic probability ...
Security protocols are designed to make sure that only the right agents get to know the right things. It seems natural to reason about such protocols using.
Missing: Toward zero-
We propose a dynamic epistemic framework for the verification of security protocols. First, we introduce a dynamic epistemic logic equipped with iteration ...
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Jul 1, 2007 · A dynamic epistemic logic equipped with iteration and cryptographic supplements in which it can formalize and check (epistemic) requirements ...
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Aug 24, 2010 · Dynamic epistemic verification of security protocols: Framework and case study. ... Verifying epistemic protocols under common knowledge.
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