The specification and compilation of obligation policies for program monitoring. Authors: Cheng Xu. Cheng Xu. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The specification and compilation of obligation policies for program monitoring. Technical Report 2011-996-08,. Department of Computer Science, University of.
Abstract. The core component of an extensible software system must protect its resources from being abused by untrusted software extensions.
Abstract. The core component of an extensible software system must protect its resources from being abused by untrusted software extensions.
The specification and compilation of obligation policies for program monitoring · Cheng Xu, Philip W. L. Fong · Published in ACM Asia Conference on… 2 May 2012 ...
An extensible software system must protect its resources from being abused by untrusted software extensions. The access control policies of such systems are ...
In this work, I envision the workflow of developing an obligation policy for program monitoring to involve three stages, and I develop a toolchain to support ...
Recent study of access control policies advocates the use of obligation policies, which impose behavioural constraints to the future actions of the accessor ...
In this work, I envision the workflow of developing an obligation policy for program monitoring to involve three stages, and I develop a toolchain to support ...
In this paper we examine the challenges in designing a practical approach for specifying and handling obligations, and then propose a language for specifying ...