Feb 24, 2017 · This scales up to 32 cores, where we are about equally fast as the currently fastest parallel wavelet tree construction algorithm (Labeit et al.
We present the fastest sequential WT-construction algorithms (pcWT and psWT) that are up to twice as fast as serialWT [20], the previously fastest.
Wavelet packets and local trigonometric bases provide an efficient framework and fast algorithms to obtain a “best representation” of a deterministic signal.
Simple, Fast and Lightweight Parallel Wavelet Tree Construction ; Publikationsjahr, 2018 ; Sprache, Englisch ; Identifikator, ISBN: 978-1-61197-505-5 KITopen-ID: ...
We present parallel lightweight algorithms to construct wavelet trees, rank and select structures, and suffix arrays in a shared-memory setting.
Wavelet tree is space efficient data structure that can be used for compressed representations of sequences [14] . There are various types of wavelets on the ...
This project contains multiple wavelet tree and wavelet matrix construction algorithms, all implemented in C++. Sequential and Parallel Shared Memory Algorithms.
Feb 24, 2017 · New practical sequential and parallel algorithms for wavelet matrix construction bottom-up are presented, which are up to twice as fast as ...
We present new sequential and parallel algorithms for wavelet tree construction based on a new bottom-up technique.
[2] Johannes Fischer, Florian Kurpicz, and Marvin Löbel. Simple, fast and lightweight parallel wavelet tree construc- tion. In ALENEX, pages 9–20. SIAM, 2018.