We developed RmPerm, an open-source tool, that implements our methodology, and we present the result of an empirical assessment on 81K apps, showing that the ...
sess whether the removal of dangerous permissions through RmPerm leads to failures. We carried out the. RmPerm: A Tool for Android Permissions Removal. 321 ...
We developed RmPerm, an open-source tool, that implements our methodology, and we present the viability of our approach via an empirical assessment on 81K apps, ...
RmPerm is a command line tool, written in Java, for remove unwanted permissions and/or ADs from an Android APK file. This is done replacing (using dexlib2) ...
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Jan 1, 2013 · This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising ...
RmPerm: A Tool for Android Permissions Removal. July 2017. Simone Aonzo · Giovanni Lagorio ...
RmPerm: A Tool for Android Permissions Removal ... Android apps are generally over-privileged, i.e., they request more permissions than they actually need to ...
Obfuscapk: An open-source black-box obfuscation tool for Android apps. S ... RmPerm: A Tool for Android Permissions Removal. S Aonzo, G Lagorio, A Merlo.
Oct 17, 2017 · “RmPerm: A Tool for Android Permissions Removal” Intervento a cura ... We developed RmPerm, an open-source tool, that implements our ...