This paper presents a novel approach to support multicast connection, on the basis of a restricted address encoding scheme which constructs a short fixed-size ...
Apr 9, 1997 · The emphasis is on analyzing the performance of an unbuffered MIN-based switch using the multicast algorithm in terms of network throughput. The ...
In this paper, we study multicasting in the self-routing multistage interconnection networks (MINs) for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switch architectures.
This paper presents a new approach to support multicast communication, on the basis of a restricted address encoding scheme which constructs a short fixed-size ...
Missing: Switch | Show results with:Switch
Performance analysis of a multicast switch based on multistage interconnection networks ; dc.contributor.author, Yoon, Hyunsoo, ko ; dc.date.accessioned, 2013-03- ...
In this paper, we study issues of the multicast communication in the multistage interconnection networks (MINs) for large-scale multicomputers.
Missing: Switch | Show results with:Switch
This paper investigates the buffer structures of shared and non-shared buffers in case of packet multicast. Shared buffers perform a dynamic buffer allocation ...
In this papel; we study issues of the niulticastirig in the multistage interconnection networks (MINs) for large-scale multiconiputers.
Our main goal is to study the performance of a single switch as well as the switching network under both random and bursty multicast input traffic. Due to the ...
Oct 19, 2016 · In this paper a novel performance evaluation method for multistage interconnection networks (MINs) servicing unicast and multicast traffic ...