Jul 26, 2024 · We consider the automatic online synthesis of black-box test cases from functional requirements specified as automata for reactive implementations.
Jul 26, 2024 · We consider the automatic online synthesis of black-box test cases from functional requirements specified as automata for reactive ...
Jul 29, 2024 · The basic idea is to use detailed game logs and incremental action model learning techniques to maintain a formal model in the planning domain ...
We consider the automatic online synthesis of black-box test cases from functional requirements specified as automata for reactive implementations. The goal of ...
In this paper we describe a new online testing algorithm that optimizes the choice of test actions using Reinforce- ment Learning (RL) techniques. This provides ...
We consider the automatic online synthesis of black-box test cases from functional requirements specified as automata for reactive implementations.
We consider the automatic online synthesis of black-box test cases from functional requirements specified as automata for reactive implementations.
MCTS has been used for testing in various settings. ... Online Test Synthesis From Requirements: Enhancing Reinforcement Learning with Game Theory. Preprint.
Apr 2, 2024 · The paper proposes an approach for automating video game testing by combining planning and reinforcement learning techniques. The planning ...
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game theory is a much different subject from reinforcement learning used in programs to play tic-tac-toe, checkers, and other recreational games. See, for.