Sep 18, 2008 · We introduce a new class of graphs which we call P 3-dominated graphs. This class properly contains all quasi-claw-free graphs, ...
We introduce a new class of graphs which we call P 3-dominated graphs. This class properly contains all quasi-claw-free graphs, and hence all claw-free ...
We introduce a new class of graphs which we call P₃-dominated graphs. This class properly contains all quasi-claw-free graphs, and hence all claw-free graphs.
Let $G$ be a 2-connected $P_3$-dominated graph. We prove that $G$ is hamiltonian if $\alpha(G^2)\le \kappa(G)$, with two exceptions: $K_{2,3}$ and $K_{1,1,3}$.
We introduce a new class of graphs which we call P 3 -dominated graphs. This class properly contains all quasi-claw-free graphs, and hence all claw-free ...
By H. Broersma and E. Vumar; Abstract: We introduce a new class of graphs which we call P 3 -dominated graphs. This class properly contains all ...
Let G be a 2-connected P 3-dominated graph. We prove that G is hamiltonian if α(G 2) ≤ κ(G), with two exceptions: K 2,3 and K 1,1,3. We also prove that G is ...
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Hamiltonicity is a very important topic in graph theory. It was conjectured in [7] that every connected 3-critical graph of order more than 6 has a hamiltonian ...
Jan 3, 2020 · A graph G is called p3-dominated (P3D) if it satisfies J(x,y) U J'(x,y) / 0 for every pair (x, y) of vertices at distance 2, where J(x,y) ...
A graph G is called P3-dominated (P3D) if it satisfies {equation presented} for every pair (x, y) of vertices at distance 2, where {equation presented} at ...