Abstract: Recently developed cryptographic techniques make it possible to construct fair exchange protocols with an off-line trusted third party (TTP).
Abstract: Recently developed cryptographic techniques make it possible to construct fair exchange protocols with an off-line trusted third party (TTP).
In this paper we apply the technique to multi-party fair exchange (MPFE) protocols which leads to the trusted neutral party(TNP, it is not the third party in ...
This paper applies a verifiable encryption scheme (VES) to multi-party fair exchange protocols which leads to the trusted neutral party (TNP, ...
In this paper we apply the technique to multi-party fair exchange (MPFE) protocols which leads to the trusted neutral party(TNP, it is not the third party in ...
A trusted third party (TTP) is often used in order to help the participants to successfully realise the exchange. Depending on its level of involvement in a ...
Mar 18, 2021 · Ideally, the third-party mediator receives as little info/money as possible, but just enough so that neither Alice nor Bob can trick each other.
Missing: Line Neutral
Even in two-party fair exchange scenarios, having fairness completely and efficiently with- out a trusted third party (TTP) is shown to be impossible in general ...
Jan 12, 2024 · We present a multi-party exchange protocol that achieves optimal partial fairness even in the presence of a dishonest majority.
Such a trusted party is called offline. However, these pro- tocols are less attractive when the group of entities involved in the exchange is large, because the ...