In this work, we propose an adaptive model-based testing framework to perform automated, large-scale security assessments for OAuth 2.0 implementations in ...
May 30, 2016 · We propose an adaptive model-based testing framework by combining the protocol specification and the network trace ob- servations, followed by ...
Using OAuthTester, we examine the implementations of 4 major Identity Providers as well as 500 top-ranked US and Chinese websites which use the OAuth-based.
○OAUTH协议为用户资源的授权提供了一个安全的、开放而又简. 易的标准。与以往的授权方式不同之处是OAUTH的授权不会使. 第三方触及到用户的帐号信息(如用户名与密码),即 ...
Model-based security testing: An empirical study on oauth 2.0 implementations. R Yang, G Li, WC Lau, K Zhang, P Hu. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia ...
Publication Results. Model-based Security Testing : An Empirical Study on OAuth 2.0 Implementations. Publication type: Conference Proceeding.
Model-based security testing: An empirical study on oauth 2.0 implementations. In Xiaofeng Chen, XiaoFeng Wang, and Xinyi Huang, editors, Proceedings of the ...
This paper proposes a role-based and service-oriented security management framework suitable for the e-government operating environment. Based on user roles and ...
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[1] Yang, R., Li, G., Lau, W. C., Zhang, K., and Hu, P. Model-based security testing: An empirical study on OAuth2.0 implementations. In AsiaCCS (2016).
Model-based Security Testing: an Empirical Study on OAuth 2.0 Implementations. The OAuth 2.0 protocol has been adopted by mainstream Single-Sign-On services ...