Jul 6, 2020 · Our approach is to build a set of domain graphs by connecting “related” domains together and injecting known malicious and benign domains into these graphs.
Jul 30, 2020 · Our approach is to build a set of domain graphs by connecting “related” domains together and injecting known malicious and benign domains into ...
Our approach is to build a set of domain graphs by connecting “related” domains together and injecting known malicious and benign domains into these graphs.
Our approach is to build a set of domain graphs by connecting "related"domains together and injecting known malicious and benign domains into these graphs.
This paper proposes to discover and analyze global associations among domains and develops a graph-based inference technique over associated domains based ...
PDF | Inference based techniques are one of the major approaches to analyze DNS data and detect malicious domains. The key idea of inference techniques.
We use Passive DNS traces to identify associations among domains and apply inference methods to identify those closely linked to known malicious domains.
For the second challenge, we develop a graph-based inference technique over associated domains. Our approach is based on the intuition that a domain having.
Apr 6, 2018 · Connecting all the domains in the world and propagating labels across the graph to detect new malicious domains! Why detect malicious ...
In particular, we study various novel patterns and characteristics computed from viable sources of data including Certificate Transparency Logs, and passive DNS.