Apr 14, 2021 · We present highly optimized data structures for the dynamic predecessor problem, where the task is to maintain a set S of w-bit numbers under insertions, ...
This work engineer a simple implementation of the idea of universe reduction, similar to van-Emde-Boas trees, and three B-trees with different strategies ...
Engineering Predecessor Data Structures for Dynamic Integer Sets. 3. SEA 2021. Dynamic Predecessor Data Structures. ➢ Dynamic Problem: S is subject to indels.
This is the supplementary code repository for our SEA 2021 submission entitled Engineering Predecessor Data Structures for Dynamic Integer Sets. It contains the ...
Engineering Predecessor Data Structures for Dynamic Integer Sets. P. Dinklage, J. Fischer, and A. Herlez. SEA, volume 190 of LIPIcs, page 7:1-7:19. Schloss ...
Dynamic ordered sets with exponential search trees · Time-space trade-offs for predecessor search · Lower bounds for predecessor searching in the cell probe model.
This repository provides a straightforward C++20 header-only implementations of selected ordered set data structures. I co-authored the SEA 2021 paper ...
... The predecessor problem is to maintain S under the following operations. The predecessor problem is a fundamental and well-studied data structure problem, ...
The predecessor problem is a simple case of the nearest neighbor problem, and data structures that solve it have applications in problems like integer sorting.
A data structure is presented supporting insertions and deletions in worst case O(f(n)) time, predecessor queries in worst case O((log n)=f(n)) time and mini-.
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