In this regard, we introduce two cryptographic protocols for publicly verifiable computation that allow a lightweight client to securely outsource to a cloud ...
The proposed publicly verifiable polynomial evaluation and matrix multiplication solutions are described and evaluated in Sec- tions III and IV respectively.
The proposed publicly verifiable polynomial evaluation and matrix multiplication solutions are described and evaluated in Sec- tions III and IV respectively.
Apr 3, 2015 · In this regard, we introduce two cryptographic protocols for publicly verifiable computation that allow a lightweight client to securely ...
In this regard, we introduce two cryptographic pro- tocols for publicly verifiable computation that allow a lightweight client to securely outsource to a cloud ...
Furthermore, by exploiting the mathematical properties of polynomials and matrices, they are more efficient and give way to public delegatability. Finally, ...
The efficient polynomial delegation scheme can be applied in constructing proofs of retrievability scheme, verifiable keyword search and verifiable dictionary ...
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May 30, 2019 · The idea is to first construct a delegation scheme where the length of the CRS is polynomial in the running time of the computation but ...
We study the task of efficient verifiable delegation of computation on encrypted data. First, we improve previous definitions in order to tolerate ...
Apr 12, 2024 · Most existing polynomial-based verifiable computation schemes require that the input of the polynomial function must come from a single data ...