In this paper, we analyze the ESP32 from a wireless security perspective. We reverse engineer the hardware and software components dedicated to Bluetooth Low ...
We make link-layer attacks on BLE (fuzzing, jamming) and cross-protocol injections, with only software modifications. We also attack proprietary protocols on ...
In this paper, we analyze the ESP32 from a wireless security perspective. We reverse engineer the hardware and software components dedicated to Bluetooth ...
It is shown that accessing low-level, non-documented features of the ESP32 can allow, possibly compromised, devices to mount attacks across many IoT devices ...
In this paper, we analyze the ESP32 from a wireless security perspective. We reverse engineer the hardware and software components dedicated to Bluetooth ...
Abstract—In this paper, we analyze the ESP32 from a wireless security perspective. We reverse engineer the hardware and software components dedicated to ...
Request PDF | On May 1, 2023, Romain Cayre and others published ESPwn32: Hacking with ESP32 System-on-Chips | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...
Artifacts for the paper "ESPwn32: Hacking with ESP32 System-on-Chips" (WOOT 2023). - RCayre/woot2023_espwn32_artifacts.
inject an arbitrary BLE PDU ? divert the radio PHY to do nasty things ? support other wireless protocols ? turn any ESP32 into a wireless hacking tool ...
ESP32 is a feature-rich SoC with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for a wide-range of IoT applications.
Missing: ESPwn32: Hacking