Abstract: The wavelet tree is a data structure that indexes a text over an integer alphabet for efficient rank and select queries. Using the Huffman encoding, it can be stored in zero-order entropycompressed space.
We present a highly engineered open source implementation of an efficient sequential construction algorithm that makes use of bit parallelism via vector ...
Jul 26, 2024 · We present the fastest practical construction algorithms for Huffman-shaped wavelet trees, closing the gap between theory and practice by utilizing SIMD ...
We present a highly engineered open source implementation of an efficient sequential construction algorithm that makes use of bit parallelism via vector ...
Jul 30, 2024 · Abstract This paper presents a lossless ,compression ,of volumetric ,medical images ,with the improved,3-D SPIHT algorithm that searches on ...
The wavelet tree [9] is a compact data structure that can answer access, rank, and select queries for a text over an alphabet [0,σ) in O(lg σ) time, ...
We present parallel lightweight algorithms to construct wavelet trees, rank and select structures, and suffix arrays in a shared-memory setting.
New sequential and parallel algorithms for wavelet tree construction based on a new bottom-up technique that can compute all auxiliary information solely ...
Nov 8, 2023 · Wavelet trees [24] are a compressible self-indexing rank and select data structure, i.e., they can answer rank (number of occurrences of symbol ...
The FM-index combines two data structures: the Burrows-. Wheeler transform and wavelet trees. It is a very prominent full-text index and used in most DNA ...