Modern smartphones that implement permission-based security mechanisms suffer from attacks by colluding applications. Users are not made aware of possible ...
Analysis of the Communication between Colluding ... The goal of this work is to understand the threat posed by colluding applications on modern smartphones.
This work implements and analyzes a number of covert and overt communication channels that enable applications to collude and therefore indirectly escalate ...
Attacks using covert communication channels remain, therefore, a real threat to smartphone security and an open problem for the research community. Detail.
Analysis of the Communication between Colluding ... The goal of this work is to understand the threat posed by colluding applications on modern smartphones.
Modern smartphones that implement permission-based security mechanisms suffer from attacks by colluding applications. Users are not made aware of possible ...
Analysis of the Communication between Colluding Applications on Modern Smartphones. Modern smartphones that implement permission-based security mechanisms ...
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Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC '12) · Analysis of the communication between colluding applications on modern ...
In this paper, we propose a method to detect inter-app communication ie, a colluding communication between different applications with data support.
Android Inter-App Communication Threats and Detection Techniques › ... › Android
Dec 9, 2024 · In collusion malicious functionality is divided across multiple apps. Each participating app accomplish its part and communicate information to ...