EclipseDay at the Googleplex
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What did you do to celebrate the release of Eclipse Ganymede? We celebrated by opening the Googleplex to the public and hosting EclipseDay, a free half-day conference!
(Ganymede is the code name for this year's release of software from the Eclipse Foundation, based around the 3.4 platform.)
I appreciated that the speakers were experts in their respective domains. Their presentations were polished and solid. The sessions covered a wide variety of Eclipse projects; including CDT, Mylyn, Equinox, OSGI, ATF and ECF; one about becoming a wicked plug-in developer; and two Google products that rely heavily on the Eclipse platform: Android and the Google Web Toolkit. The keynote, given by Michael Galpin, taught us how eBay has made Eclipse an integral and critical part of their development process.
I must specifically acknowledge one presenter, Mustafa Isik (he's my former Google intern!) He, along with Scott Lewis, gave one of the best presentations of the day: "Wiring Hacker Synapses: Collaborative Coding and Team Tooling in Eclipse." If you missed the presentation, you can check out Mustafa's popular code sharing screencast. My intern's all grown up! (*sniff*)
Any good trip to Google includes lots of yummy snacks and beverages. This visit was no exception!
Thanks to our speakers and guests, particularly Ian Skerrett and the Eclipse Foundation. Congratulations on releasing Ganymede!