Business App User and IT Administrator Survey
The goal of this survey is to understand the main pain points as a user or as an IT administrator of enterprise software.
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For Users and IT administrators:
What business apps do you use regularly? *
(desktop, web or mobile apps)
What features are missing in these apps?   *
(e.g. offline, easier login process, rich user interface, mobile, etc)
What are your favorite *web* applications?
(for business or personal use)
What business web applications do you *wish* you could use?
(and can't because of IT policies, they're not available on the web or the web versions aren't fully featured)
For IT administrators only:
Skip if you're not an IT administrator.
What features are most important for you when evaluating business apps?
How important is it for apps to be available on multiple platforms?
(e.g. smartphones, tablets)
Not At all
Very Very
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What are the pain points when managing software in your organization?
About You
Your organization *
Your position, title or role *
E-mail for followup
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