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File metadata and controls

127 lines (89 loc) · 4.11 KB

Dual storage backend setup

Use cases


An organization might already have a provenance storage set up for a provider, e.g. oci, and they want to move to document storage docdb. To ease the transition, they might want to output to both simultaneously during that transition/migration period.

Duplication due to requirements, regulated or otherwise

An organization's security policy or regulatory requirements may dictate the data needs to be stored within multiple systems be it for redundancy or different methods of analysis/usage:

  • e.g. docdb for querying, oci for keeping the provenance next to signatures, or gcs for longer term archive storage
  • if there is an issue with one of the storage methods either due to chains or an outage with that particular method of storage


Assuming you don't have a Kubernetes cluster available, start by spinning one up. We provide a simple command to provision minikube. Run the following command from the root of the FRSCA project:

make setup-minikube

Setup tekton and chains:

make setup-tekton-chains

Configure Chains to use two storage backends and generate encryption keys:

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"artifacts.oci.format":"simplesigning", "": "tekton,oci", "artifacts.taskrun.format":"slsa/v1", "": "tekton,oci"}}'
make tekton-generate-keys

Here the configuration specifies two storages for the artifacts: tekton,oci and their respective formats: slsa/v1 and simplesigning.

Start the buildpacks pipeline:

make example-buildpacks

Wait a little bit until it completes and ensure the last task has been signed:

tkn tr describe --last -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signed}'
# Should output `true`

Set some useful variables:

export IMAGE_URL=$(tkn tr describe --last -o  jsonpath='{.status.taskResults[?("APP_IMAGE_URL")].value}')
export TASKRUN_UID=$(tkn tr describe --last -o  jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}')

Use cosign to verify the signature and the attestation stored in OCI:

cosign verify --insecure-ignore-tlog --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets ${IMAGE_URL}
cosign verify-attestation --insecure-ignore-tlog --type slsaprovenance --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets ${IMAGE_URL}

Retrieve the signature and the attestation stored in the taskrun annotations:

tkn tr describe --last -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/payload-taskrun-$TASKRUN_UID}" | base64 -d | jq
tkn tr describe --last -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signature-taskrun-$TASKRUN_UID}" | base64 -d | jq

Verify the attestation with cosign 1.5.1+:

tkn tr describe --last -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signature-taskrun-$TASKRUN_UID}" | base64 -d > sig
cosign verify-blob --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets --signature sig sig
# Should output `Verified OK`

Advanced concepts

Parametrizing pipelines with CUE

In this example, we are using CUE to parametrize the pipeline run.

We want to be able to customize the repository, the image name and the cache image name, but we want to use sensible defaults values. We defined them as follow in the buildpacks.cue file:

_REPOSITORY: *"" | string @tag(repository)
_APP_IMAGE: *"\(_REPOSITORY)/slsapoc" | string @tag(appImage)
_CACHE_IMAGE: *"\(_REPOSITORY)/slsapoc-cache" | string @tag(cacheImage)

The rest of the .cue file is straightforward to read as is resembles to standard YAML, with the use of the variables previously defined.

The pipeline is then being created is cue and kubectl.

First we run the apply command to prepare all the kubernetes objects that are required for the pipeline to run:

cue apply ./examples/buildpacks | kubectl apply -f -

Then we create the pipeline itself:

cue create ./examples/buildpacks | kubectl create -f -

If we need to specify a value for a parameter we can add it to the cue commands, like for instance -t repository=double-backend-tutorial.