# Include the Generated Bindings in `src/lib.rs` We can use the `include!` macro to dump our generated bindings right into our crate's main entry point, `src/lib.rs`: ```rust,ignore #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs")); ``` Because `bzip2`'s symbols do not follow Rust's style conventions, we suppress a bunch of warnings with a few `#![allow(...)]` pragmas. We can run `cargo build` again to check that the bindings themselves compile: ```bash $ cargo build Compiling bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys v0.1.0 Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 62.8 secs ``` And we can run `cargo test` to verify that the layout, size, and alignment of our generated Rust FFI structs match what `bindgen` thinks they should be: ```bash $ cargo test Compiling bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys v0.1.0 Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs Running target/debug/deps/bzip2_sys-10413fc2af207810 running 14 tests test bindgen_test_layout___darwin_pthread_handler_rec ... ok test bindgen_test_layout___sFILE ... ok test bindgen_test_layout___sbuf ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_1 ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_2 ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_attr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_cond_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutex_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_condattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_once_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlock_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_t ... ok test result: ok. 14 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured Doc-tests bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys running 0 tests test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured ```